Chapter Ninety Eight: Madeline

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(Song: Photograph by Ed Sheeran)

Adrian was pacing around like crazy. You could see it in his face and his movements, he was nervous.

"Hon, you need to relax," I said.

A month has passed since we came back from Greece. I've been focusing on the magazine and the business, at times it gets a little stressful but I manage.

It's also been a month since Adrian and I began dating. Everything was going great for once.

Two major events were happening this week. Angie's baby shower is on Friday and all of our friends will be attending. Which means everyone will know that I'm dating Adrian.

The second was the birth of Adrian's little sister. Which is happening at this very moment.

"What if I drop her?" he asked.

I laughed at his question.

"You won't love, you're going to be okay," I said.

Adrian finally managed to somewhat calm down and sit in the chair next to me. I took his hand and held it while we waited for Adrian's dad to come get him.

"Sorry if I'm being stupid, I just never had a sister before," he said.

"You're going to love it Adrian, Ezra has told me all the stories about being an older brother. The main thing he told me was that he loved my first time going to Hogwarts. He couldn't wait until the day I got sorted," I began, "Of course there was that whole being put in the wrong house dilemma but besides that, it was really nice," I told Adrian.

"That sounds nice but I won't be able to see her get sorted," he said as he leaned his head back against the wall.

"But you'll get to drop her off at the train station. She'll wave goodbye to you as the train leaves and she'll write letters to you about her adventures at Hogwarts," I said.

Adrian smiled as he looked up at the ceiling.

"She'll be telling you things that she could never tell her parents, that's the beauty of sibling relationships," I said.


We both looked towards the hallway of the maternity ward. His dad was in hospital scrubs wiping the sweat off his brow.

"You wanna meet your baby sister?" he asked.

Adrian smiled and nodded.

"Go, I'll wait here," I said.

He nodded as he followed his dad back to the maternity ward.

I walked to the cafe in front of the hospital when I saw a little kid drop his stuffed monkey.

"Excuse me," I said to his mum as I grabbed the toy from the floor.



"Is he your kid?" I asked in a confused state.

"Oh no, I just took him to his check up. I work at the St. Mungo's orphanage next door," she began.

"Ian this is Vera, say thank you for finding your monkey," she said.

"Thank you," he said shyly as he hid behind Alicia's leg.

I smiled.

"You're welcome Ian," I said, handing Alicia the monkey.

"So how are you Vera? I heard you're a successful businesswoman," she began.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now