Chapter Forty Nine: Fighting For Ginny Weasley

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(Song: R.I.P 2 My Youth by The Neighbourhood)

"You got an internship in Paris!" Ezra said excitingly.

I nodded. I was hanging out in the Slytherin common room with Ezra and Ben when I decided to tell them the news.

"You know what this means?" Ben said.

"What?" I questioned.

"We're both going to Paris," he replied.

I smiled.

"That's great," I said happily.

"Maybe you can stay over at Ben's flat," Ezra suggested.

I looked over to Ben who nodded at Ezra's suggestion.

"Of course, it was my parents flat when we lived there. So you can stay in the spare bedroom," he said.

"Great, so it's settled. I'll be in Paris for the summer," I said.

"You're going to Paris?" I heard someone say behind me.

I turned to see Draco leaning on the couch behind me.

"Yeah, I was offered an internship," I said.

He nodded.

"Congratulations V, I hate that you're leaving me alone with Clarke for the summer, but I'm happy for you," he said patting my back.

"Did you tell your parents?" Ben asked.

I nodded.

"I wrote them this morning," I said.

Just then I saw Talia and Catherine walk past us.

"Hi Draco," they said flirtatiously.

As soon as their eyes met me, their smiles faded. Talia rolled her eyes while Catherine gave me a look of disgust. They walked out of the common.

"Hi Draco," Ezra mocked.

Ben began laughing while Draco gave us a small grin.

"What's up with you three?" Draco asked, gesturing to their dirty looks towards me. He was sat next to me now.

"I called them out for making fun of Ginny during the summer. Safe to say the Draco Malfoy fan club hates me," I said jokingly.

"Better sort them out before Vera and Lilah get their hands on them, Malfoy," Ezra said, taking a sip of water.

Draco laughs.

"What for? I love a good fight," Draco said.

I punched him lightly on the arm.

"Shut up Malfoy," I said.

We all erupted in laughter.

"All right you three, I gotta meet the twins and Lilah at the courtyard," I said as I got up from the couch.

"See you later V," Ezra said while Ben and Draco waved.

I walked down to the courtyard where I saw Fred, George, Angelina, and Lilah in our usual spots.

"There she is, the newest intern at Wizards Weekly," Fred yelled.

Everyone clapped as I sat down next to George.

"Thanks everyone," I said.

George interlaced his fingers with mine. He held my hand as we conversed with the others.

"Congrats Vera, it's well deserved," Angelina said.

"Thanks, Angelina," I said smiling.

"I actually have to run, have a meeting with the other prefects," Angelina said as she kissed Fred on the lips before getting up to leave.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now