Chapter Eighty Five: Catch-22

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(Song: Lostmyhead by the 1975)

I fell asleep in my dad's room after last night's tea. I kept some of my belongings in the house because they wouldn't fit in the flat. The enchanted box was glowing at the corner of the room.

George replied to my small letter from yesterday explaining what happened and that I'd spend the night in London.

I got up and walked over to the box to open it. I grabbed the folded piece of parchment and opened it up.

I hope you all are doing alright. Remind me to thank Pucey for protecting you. We've got loads of stuff done around here with Laurie's help. The shelves are fully stocked and organized, we've got the tills working, and the uniforms finally came in. We also hired one more person this afternoon, making it three people in total. Everything is going according to plan.

I love you,

I smiled at the response. I looked at the clock in dad's room, it was only nine in the morning. Even though I've been in here a couple of times, I've never thoroughly looked around.

I felt like it was an invasion of privacy but realized it all belongs to me now.

The first thing I reached for when I got to the dresser was this small clear bottle of cologne. I opened it and was hit with the subtle scent of musk and leather.

Is this what dad smelled like?

I put the bottle back on the dresser and began looking around some more.

What intrigued me the most was dad's clothes. I found his old quidditch sweater, it was a bit oversized but was in good condition.

I also looked through his many dark sweaters and coats. The one that stood out the most was this black trench coat. The black buttons had an intricate design on them and looked like it's never been worn.

I recognized it as a designer coat. Of course it was.

That's when I looked down in the pocket and saw a bit of a small silver chain hanging from it.

I pulled it out revealing a really interesting looking locket with a snake in the middle. It looked old and expensive. I put it back in the pocket and put the coat back in the closet.

That's when I spotted another black jacket. It looked like the one Sirius always wore, an exact replica honestly. It looked new.

I wondered if it was one of those Christmas presents relatives give siblings so they would match. I remember Ezra and I sometimes wore matching clothes our grandparents gave us. Even with Draco at times back when we were all kids.

I don't know why but I tried it on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked how it fit me.

"Vera, are you up yet?" I heard Ezra ask.

"Yeah, you can come in," I said.

"Have you checked on Pucey yet?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"We should probably see if he's dead or not," Ezra jokes.

I playfully hit his arm.

"Alright, come on V," he said as we both walked to Pucey's room.

We knocked on the room door. "Pucey? Are you alive?" Ezra asked.

"Nope, I'm passing to the other side as we speak," Adrian answered.

Ezra and I both laughed as I opened the door.

Pucey was finally up and stretching his arms out. I looked down at his wound. It looked so much better. Just a scratch was all that was left.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now