Chapter One Hundred and Six: We'll Be Okay

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(Song: Sun by Two Door Cinema Club)

Laurie revealed to the family that she was only six weeks pregnant when they found out. I don't think anyone in the family was excited.

Molly, Arthur, Ron, Harry, and Ginny have been staying with me for a couple days now. It's a big difference from being alone all the time.

There have been a few incidents with Kreacher but nothing really serious.

I just keep him busy by having him do chores away from everyone else.

The news didn't sit well with me, I was hurt and even spent the first night crying over it. I didn't want to show that it hurt me, so I hid my emotions pretty well.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?"

"Your two favorite lesbians with presents and ice cream," Lilah said as she opened the door.

I smiled.

"Happy Late Christmas you guys," I said as I opened my arms to hug Lilah and Jess.

"Harry and Ron told us everything, we're really sorry Vera," Jess said as she handed me a pint of chocolate ice cream and a spoon.

"Thanks, it just all so messed up," I began, "First he says he would never hurt me, then he cheats on me with Emmy 2.0, then he apologizes for everything and wants to be friends, and then fucking knocks her up," I said eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"Boys are idiots," Lilah said.

"I'm so glad I'm attracted to girls," Jess said.

I laugh.

"But I can't complain too much. Adrian is a dream, especially since Emmy's back. He's been reassuring me every time I'm insecure. I'm just a mess," I said as another spoonful of chocolatey goodness fills my mouth.

"You're allowed to be a mess V, the bitch that almost killed you is back, your ex knocked up someone else, and your cousin is brainwashed," Jess said while playing with my hair.

"Well when you put it like that, my life sounds terrible," I said.

"Sorry, maybe you should open your present to make you feel better," Jess replied.

I nodded as Lilah handed me a box.

I tore open the box to see it was filled with sweets, snacks, and a set of silk pjs on the lid of the box was a note.

Will you be our Maid of Honor?

"You're finally getting married?" I asked with excitement.

They both nodded.

"Fuck yeah I'll be a maid of honor," I said.

I jumped to hug them both. I haven't been this excited for something since the birth of Roxy.

"Who's the best man?" I asked, trying to calm down.

"I picked the one and only Fred Weasley," Lilah answers,"Of course, as much as he annoys me, he's one of my best friends," she continued.

I couldn't agree more.

"When's the date set for?" I asked.

"We're thinking of June 10th of next year," Jess said.

"Any significance?" I asked.

"To be honest, we just rolled the dice," Lilah said.

I laughed.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now