Chapter Ninety Four: Holiday on the Island Pt. 5

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(Song: Electric Love by BØRNS)

Adrian and I immediately got up to get dressed. I needed to cover up the marks he left me with makeup.

Since we were going to the amusement park today, I decided to wear my black short sleeve mock neck shirt and a green plaid skirt with my black combat boots.

"So I guess Lilah and Jess were right," I said while I was applying the makeup in front of the mirror.

"Of course they were. I told them right before we left for the trip," he said as he put his shirt on.

"They knew?" I said, completely shocked.

"Yeah, I was worried they were going to say something," he replied.

"They didn't, I think they just wanted to see us together," I began, "How come you didn't say anything before?" I asked.

"Well I couldn't with George around," he said.

"When did this happen? When did you start liking me?" I asked.

"To be honest, it all began back in school," he began. "That day everyone was in detention for secretly learning defensive skills and you asked me to teach you how to play quidditch," he said.

"That was months ago," I began.

"Yeah, I tried to not think of you in that way. I really tried Vera," he said.

"It's okay Adrian," I said, putting my makeup away.

"I'm sorry all this happened V," he said.

"Don't apologize, we were both out of it last night," I said.

"I promise to take you on a real date soon," he said.

"Wait, Adrian Pucey is asking me out on a date?" I asked teasingly.

He nodded.

"I guess I am, is that okay?" he asked.

I've never seen Adrian this flustered before. He was all shy and nervous. It was all adorable.

I walked over to my bed where he was sitting, leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Yes, I'll go out with you," I said.

He seemed so happy with my response.

"I forgot, I told Ezra that you were on your morning run," I said.

"What? Why?"

"I didn't want him coming in here," I said.

"Right. What should we do?" he asked.

"You can just hop in the shower, I'll go downstairs and grab your bag. If Ezra asks something I'll just make something up," I said.

"Okay," he said.

And with that, I made my way downstairs. Rosie and Jane were in the living room while I heard Ben and Ezra in the kitchen.

"Good morning Vera," Rosie said.

"Did you sleep well?" Jane asked.

"Good morning girls, I did sleep well," I began as I grabbed Adrian's bag.

"I assume Adrian's back from his run," Rosie said.

I nodded.

"Yeah he's showering and in true Slytherin fashion, he forgot all his stuff," I said giggling.

"Typical men," Jane said.

"How would they survive without us?" Rosie said laughing.

"I honestly think we wouldn't function properly," Ben joined in as he stood at the doorway.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now