D E A R G E O R G E ,

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual scenes that may be triggering for some readers. Please skip this chapter if needed. 

Song: Always Forever by Cults


"I'm getting married, dad."

Harrison Theodore Clarke
Beloved Father & Son
June 4, 1953- May 2, 1998

I looked down at his well decorated headstone. They were covered in flowers and pictures left by Ezra, Draco, Thea, and I. Most of the ones I displayed were from my childhood. I had Lilah erase Anastasia from every single one of them.

I set down two items, an invitation to our wedding and a copy of my book.

"I wish you could be there," I whispered.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist.

Cinnamon, Firewood, and Gunpowder.

His scent alone could bring me to a tranquil state.

He's wearing a burgundy sweater with his sleeves rolled up. He paired it with brown trousers and his black loafers.

"Are you alright?" George asked.

I nodded.

He's been gone for almost two years now. There's not a day that passes by that I don't think about him. I visit at least every two weeks with Ezra.

"I'm ready to go," I said.

George nodded as we left. He entangled his hand in mine, because I'm always sad whenever I leave this place.

"I spoke to my mom this morning. We got the venue in Ireland," he said, giving me some good news.

I smiled.

The venue was very last minute.

The last place we agreed on was closed down due to an infestation. But this place was far more beautiful.

George and I agreed on a nice estate near the countryside of Ireland. It has a huge garden with a mountain view where the ceremony will be held. The spacious study will hold the cocktail hour while the ceremony space will magically transform to our reception.

"That's great love. Everything's going to be perfect," I said with a smile.

"Anything for my girl," George replied.

I smiled and looked down at the ground.

"You know, the wedding is a few weeks away. When's the final tux fitting?" I asked.

"Next Wednesday. I'm going in during lunch tomorrow while Fred runs the shop for a bit."

"Mine is in a couple of hours, should meet the girls in an hour or so."

We stopped to look at a flower display in front of a botanic shop.

"Shouldn't you get going then?" he asked.

That's when a little elderly woman came out of the shop.

I nod.

"How much for this bouquet?" George asks, holding the bouquet of peonies up.

"Fifteen quid," she said.

George didn't hesitate in giving her the money.

"I don't need the change, thanks."

The lady waved us goodbye.

"These are for you, beautiful," he said, giving them to me.

"Always a romantic," I said.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now