Chapter Eighty Four: A Night In London

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(Song: Saw You In A Dream by The Japanese House)

I quickly open the front door to the house.

"Take him upstairs to the room all the way at the end, I think Sirius kept the essence of dittany in the bathroom cabinet," I said as I ran up the stairs.

By the time we arrived at the house, Adrian's white shirt was soaked in blood.

I rushed to get the little brown bottle from the bathroom.

I got to the room where Ezra and Ben put Adrian on the bed. He was groaning about the pain.

"Alright, not going to lie. This is going to hurt," I said as I lifted Adrian's shirt up.

I took the dropper out and squeezed three drops onto the stab wound.

"Fucking hell," Adrian groaned.

"It's going to be fine, Pucey," Ben said.

"All done," I said as I closed the bottle.

Now we just wait.

"Should we notify your mum? Or dad?" Ezra asked.

"No. It's fine. How long until I can go home?" Pucey asked.

"Could be hours Adrian, maybe you should just stay here for the night," Ben said.

"Yeah, maybe we should too. This night has been pretty rough and frankly I'm exhausted," Ezra said.

"Me too, is it okay if we all crash here?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, no problem," I began, "I can show you guys to the guest rooms," I said.

I climbed to the third floor to show Ben and Ezra the
guest bedrooms. Since the boys took all the remaining guest rooms, I had the choice to sleep in my dad's, Uncle Sirius', my grandparents bedroom, or the family room.

If I have to be honest, sleeping in my grandparents room would be pretty weird. Sirius was my uncle, sure, but he's recently passed. That left my dad's and the family room, and that antique Victorian couch definitely looked uncomfortable.

That's when I spotted Kreacher in the linen closet down the hall.

"Kreacher, can I have four extra blankets? I've got some people over," I asked.

"Mudbloods?" he said with hatred in his voice.

"No Kreacher. Ezra Clarke, Benjamin Ellis, and Adrian Pucey," I began, "You have got to stop being so judgemental," I said as politely as possible.

He scoffed as he shrugged off my response.

Kreacher did as I asked as he handed me four charcoal grey duvets.

"Anything else Vera?" he asked.

"Can you brew up some tea? I'd really appreciate it," I asked.

"Right away, Vera," he said as he disappeared right before my eyes.

I sighed.

You would think that Kreacher would change his views on the whole blood purity idea after what my father had done. He should've been more accepting of half-bloods at least.

I went back to the first guest room where Pucey was staying. I knocked on the door.

"Is it safe to come in?" I asked through the door.

"Yeah," he said.

I opened the door to find Pucey laying down, shirtless.

"You said it was safe," I complained.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora