Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Weekend At The Weasley's Pt.1

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"How does it look?" Fred asked.

I took a few steps back to see how the banner looked.

"Perfect. Only took four tries," I said, teasing him.

Fred and I finally put up the banner introducing the twins' latest product. A snack line with a variety of different sweets and crisps.

Since Laurie was no longer working there. Fred asked if I could help around in the store. He promised me I wouldn't have to wear the uniform (thank god) and we finally promoted Sid.

George and I started talking a little more. We still haven't gone to our usual selves but small conversations are a good start.

"What do you think George?" I asked.

He looked up from his clipboard.

"Looks good," he said with a small smile but he quickly looked at his clipboard again.

We still haven't had the chance to fully talk about us yet. I really want to be friends, but I want to be friends with the old George. The one that didn't have a problem with alcohol.

"I guess we're done for the day," Fred said as he climbed off the ladder.

"Yeah, you better go get ready. Aren't you going to miss the train?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Nah, Angie already packed everything. I just need to be out the door in half an hour," he said.

Fred and Angie decided that they wanted to go to Paris for the weekend to celebrate their engagement.

From what Angie told me, it was perfect. He made her breakfast and Roxy was the one that actually gave her the box.

However, they decided that Roxy was too young to travel with them and honestly they needed some alone time.

They asked me to watch her for the weekend and after everything they did for me, I happily obliged. They deserved it and I could handle a weekend with a nine month old... and George.

"I'll go and close up here with George. You go ahead and get ready to leave before Angie yells at you," I said.

Fred left upstairs immediately while I gathered the supplies left on the counter and took them to the back room where George was.

"You sure you're okay with me being here? I could go to the burrow for the weekend," he offered.

I put the box back on the bottom shelf as I looked up to him. I wasn't used to him towering over me anymore.

"It's fine. This is your home and I'll be sleeping in Fred and Angie's room. It's going to be alright," I said as I stood up.

"Okay," he said.

I left the room quickly. I didn't know what to say after that. After I cleaned the shop, I marched upstairs to check on everyone.

I wasn't surprised to see Angie crying and hugging Roxy. She did not want to leave her.

"Come on love, we'll be late," Fred said as he tried to take Roxy from her.

After a few minutes, she finally decided to let go. He gave her to me.

"It's only for two days. Vera will take care of everything," Fred said.

"Besides. George is here, she'll never even realize that her dad left," I said jokingly.

Fred laughed.

"You think she could tell the difference?" I asked.

"I don't know honestly. This weekend will put that to the test," Angie said as she gave Roxy one last kiss.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now