Chapter Fifteen: A Date At Hogsmeade

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(Song: This Must Be My Dream by The 1975)

The sunlight peeked through the window. George was still fast asleep. He looked so handsome as he fell asleep with his hand behind his head.

I turned to see if Lilah was in her bed, but it was empty.

I was still just in my red bra and underwear, I turned back to look at George. I swept his hair out of his face gently so I didn't wake him.

I got up from the bed and slipped on an oversized tee.

"Why'd you have to put clothes on?" George said in a sleepy voice.

I turned around and smiled. George was sitting up in my bed with messy hair.

I went over to my bed and leaned over to kiss George.

"Good Morning," I said.

"Good Morning, princess," he replied.

That name gave me butterflies. George Weasley would be the death of me.

"I think you should get up, so we can go have breakfast," I said as I went over to the mirror to tie my hair up in a bun.

That's when I saw two huge purple marks on my neck.

"How the hell am I supposed to hide this?" I asked, facing George.

He gave me a smile as he rolled out of bed.

"Simple. You don't. They'll know you're mine now," he said kissing my cheek before getting dressed.

I rolled my eyes.

I pulled a turtleneck, brown pants, and some other things out of my dresser.

"I'm going to shower," I said walking towards the bathroom.

"I could join you, you know," he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

"You do that, and we'll never be out of here," I laughed.

"All right, well I'll see you downstairs in twenty minutes," he said walking over to me and leaning down to kiss me goodbye.

"Okay," I said as he shut the door behind him.

As I felt the water hit my body, I had finally realized something. George left hickeys all over me. It gave me goosebumps. I smiled as I thought about last night. His lips all over my body, his touch, and the sight of his perfect body.

After I dried myself off and put some clothes on, I went to the room to comb my hair. As I looked at the mirror, I heard the door open.

Lilah walked into the room with last night's dress, and her shoes in her hand.

"Where did you spend last night?" I asked teasing her.

She smiled as she took off the dress.

"I met a girl last night, I slept over in her dorm," she replied as she grabbed her clothes heading to the bathroom.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Jess, she's in Hufflepuff," she said with a smile.

"Can't believe you ditched your own party V, it died down after you and George left," she continued.

I began putting my boots on.

"I'm sorry, but I finally told him how I felt Lilah, and he told me the same thing," I said with joy.

"Look what he engraved in the ring," I continued.

Lilah took a closer look at my Weasley band.

"I'll love you forever Vera?" she said in shock, "Merlin, V. He loves you," she said happy for me.

I slipped the ring back on.

"I feel like I'm living a fairytale," I said.

She smiled.

"I'm going to get breakfast, I'll see you later," I said leaving out the door.

I made my way down to the Great Hall, I spotted two redheads sitting at one of the tables.

"Morning Fred," I said sitting across from them.

"Good Morning Vera," he began, "Oh you've got some George on your lip there," he said laughing.

I punched him playfully in the arm.

"Did we miss anything last night?" I asked Fred.

He shook his head.

"Lilah got drunk and hooked up with one of the girls from Hufflepuff, Lee and Oliver got hammered as well, leaving Angelina and I taking care of them, and everyone else just went to bed, after you two left," he said, eating his Cheerie Owls.

"Well okay," I said, drinking some juice.

"Woah Georgie, you really had fun yesterday," he said as he pulled my turtleneck down.

I slapped his hand.

"Fuck off Fred," I said pulling it up again.

Both of them started laughing.

"I've got to go meet Angelina," he said before he got up from the table.

He gave us a wave before he left the Great Hall.

"So Vera. Have any plans today?" he asked.

"No, actually," I said as I shook my head.

"Well, would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" he asked.

"Is George Weasley asking me on a date?" I questioned.

"Well, yeah," he said as he let out a small giggle.

"I'll go anywhere with you, George," I said, giving him a smile.

He smiled as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

We both finished our breakfast and headed down to Hogsmeade. Our first stop being Zonko's Joke Shop. This was Fred and George's favorite shop.

"I think about this shop a lot," he said as we both walked in.

"I know Georgie, it's your literal dream," I added.

He smiled.

"You two will get there, I just know it," I said as I looked up at him.

"Thanks, love," he said kissing my forehead.

George and I spent time looking around the shop before we left. He bought a couple of Dungbombs and Hiccough Sweets.

Our next stop was Honeydukes, my favorite shop. George and I looked around picking out our favorite sweets before heading up to the register.

George put a few bags on the counter as the cashier began checking them out.

"Oh and these as well," he said grabbing my pile of sweets and placing them on the counter.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

He smiled.

"Anything for my girlfriend," he said with a wink.


We left out the door.

"I'm your girlfriend now? You didn't even ask?" I said laughing.

We held hands as we began walking over to Three Broomsticks.

"Vera darling, I've waited four years for you to be my girlfriend. I'm not waiting any longer," he began saying, "Besides, I think we made it official after last night," he said, gesturing to my neck.

I smiled.

"By the way, that's not the only place you left marks," I said, giving him a wink.

He smiled at the thought of my body covered in hickeys.

"But yes George, I'd love to be your girlfriend,"

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now