Chapter One Hundred and Five: Silent Night

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(Song: I Lied by Electric Century)

Another year, and another successful Christmas morning.

I convinced dad and Ezra to not give each other expensive presents this year. I also convinced them to donate to different charities.

"This is a really nice leather bag. Thanks V," Ezra said.

"You're welcome, I saw you using your old school bag as a work bag. Thought you needed an upgrade," I said as I sipped my hot chocolate.

I wore my Christmas sweater the twins gave me years ago and my plaid pj pants.

Yesterday, Adrian gave me a beautiful new ring. It was a silver wrap ring with blossoms on it. I adored it so much.

"Alright V, last one," Blaise said, handing me a small box.

"This ones from dad," I said reading the gift tag.

I began untying the bow and uncovering the lid. In the small box was a small locket.

"It's so pretty," I said.

"Look inside the locket V," Ezra said.

"What could you possibly put in there?" I said as I opened the small locket.

I opened it to a small picture of my parents Regulus and Lucinda. It was their wedding. The picture was one of those moving ones. They were dancing at their wedding. She was wearing a beautiful white dress and veil. My father was wearing a simple black and white tuxedo.

"How did you find this?" I said as I was on the verge of tears.

"The attic has a few of your parents' mementos, took us a while but we had help from Thea and Blaise," Dad said.

"Thank you everyone, I'll cherish this forever," I said as I put it on.

"We put the wedding stuff in your old room, you can take it with you," Ezra said.

I nodded.

"I'm going to get changed, I have an important gift to deliver," I said as I ran upstairs to my old room. 

I changed into a red sweater, black jeans, black boots, my dad Regulus' coat, and a beanie. I grabbed my bag and put the envelope inside. I also grabbed the flower bouquet that Mimi prepared for me the night before, from the vase.

I ran downstairs to see that everyone had cleaned up and were now enjoying some music while sitting next to the fireplace.

"You'll come back before you head to the Weasley's right Vera?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I'll be back soon," I said as I apparated to Godric's Hollow, more specifically St. Jerome's Graveyard.

I came here a couple times before, so I knew where it was.

This time, it was covered in different kinds of flowers. Some were already dead, others looked lively.

"Happy Christmas Ced," I whispered.

I put the bouquet of flowers right on the headstone, and brushed the snow off too.

"I asked your father for permission in using your name for the new orphanage building. He said yes," I began, "I brought you a picture of the building sign and the kids," I said as I took the picture out of the envelope and placed it next to his grave.

Alicia and I agreed the name of the building should be Cedric's Place. It was simple but perfect in honoring a good friend's memory.

I grew to love the kids at the orphanage. At times they reminded me of some of my friends in a way. Imogen reminded me of Lilah and how bad ass she is. Reese was exactly like Ben, although he does butt heads a lot with the others.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن