Chapter Eight: Violent Mornings

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(Song: My Blood- Twenty One Pilots)

"Oh, that's just my letter from uncle Lucius," I replied as I grabbed it from him. I tried not to act suspicious.

George didn't seem to notice at all.

I put the letter in my bag.

"Let's talk about birthday plans," he said, changing the subject.

"What about them?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"What do you want to do?"he asked.

I shrugged.

"Nothing," I replied.

"Vera Eleanor Clarke, it's your fucking birthday, we have to do something," George said lecturing me.

I started laughing.

"Fine, I want to take a trip to an island far away, where I'd get fed the finest meals and walk along the most beautiful beaches," I replied sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes.

"Vera darling, I can't exactly make that happen right now," he said laughing.

I let out a giggle.

"Then you plan something, cause I'm fine with whatever," I replied.

"Say no more," he said as he stood up and patted my head before he left my room.

I can't believe I let him plan out my birthday.

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual, Lilah was still fast asleep. I got up, changed, grabbed my things, and went to the Great Hall to have some breakfast and cram in a small study session.

As I was looking through my notes and taking a sip of some juice, somebody decided to sit across from me. It was Kingsley.

Aria Kingsley has always been a bully to me. It all started in our first year when he found out who my family was. He was telling me about how my parents could never love me when they had a golden child like Ezra, who actually was sorted into Slytherin. Kingley ended up with a blow to his stomach and I was comforted by George Weasley.

"What is it now Kingsley? I'm busy," I said not looking up from my book.

"I heard you and Diggory are going out," he said.

I put my book down.

"And?" I said with a stern look on my face.

"And? You're hanging out with Gryffindors and fucking a Hufflepuff, you're making daddy so proud," he continued.

I felt rage built up inside me and I could not contain it anymore.

I reached out to grab a handful of his hair and slammed his head on the table in front of us. I guess I slammed it hard because when I looked at him again, his nose was slightly crooked and he was bleeding.

"Don't ever mention my family or friends ever again!" I said as I let go of his hair.

"You fucking bitc-" he managed to say before we were interrupted.

"Kingsley, go to the infirmary!" Ezra said as he appeared next to us.

Kingsley looked pissed off at me but he got up and walked out of the Great Hall.

"Vera, are you mental?" he said leaning on the table in front of me.

"Did you not hear what he said?" I asked, still having that rage inside me.

"Yes, and he's a prick for that but you can't just hit him, what will mum and dad think?" he continued.

"Mum and dad already think of me as a failure compared to you so this shouldn't come as a surprise," I said angrily while I began grabbing my stuff.

"Vera, that's not true and you know that," he said.

"Really, cause when we're at family gatherings all we hear about is Ezra the prefect and seeker for the Slytherin team, you're the literal perfect child. Even dad thinks Draco is more accomplished than me," I said I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

He didn't say anything.

"I'll be going now," I say as I gathered my belongings and quickly rushed out of the Great Hall hoping he would follow.

By now a few students have witnessed what has happened with Kingsley and I so their eyes followed me out the door.

I walked to the courtyard where I sat on one of the benches as I waited for classes to begin. I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to distract myself by reviewing my notes.


I looked up to see Cedric Diggory standing over me.

"Someone told me you'd be out here," he said as he held out his hand.

"Care to join me for a walk?" he asked.

I smiled as I quickly gathered my things and took his hand.

We walked for a couple of minutes as I explained what happened earlier.

"I'm so sorry that happened," he replied.

I smiled.

"It's fine, I think I sorta broke his nose so we're even," I said.

He laughed.

"Anyway, Lilah told me your birthday was coming up," he said changing the subject.

I nodded.

"Yeah, unfortunately I let George do all the planning for that," I responded.

He smiled.

"I wanted to give you this," he said, holding out a present wrapped in brown paper.

I smiled as I took it into my hands.

"Ced, you didn't have to give me anything," I said.

"Just open it Clarke," he said with a slight giggle.

I nodded and began unwrapping the paper to reveal a brown leather journal.

"Thank you, Ced. I love it," I replied as I leaned in for a hug.

"Class starts in a couple of minutes, you better go," he said.

I nodded as I opened my bag to put my journal away.

"I'll see you later then," I said as I waved goodbye to him and walked away.

I walked into the building and headed for potions class.

Fred, George, and Lilah were already seated in their usual spots.

"Are you okay?" Lilah asked as I sat down and grabbed my textbook out of my bag.

I nodded.

"I'm fine, why?" I asked.

"Why? Someone told us that you hit Kingsley so hard, you sent him to the infirmary!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, in my defense, he shouldn't have said anything," I said.

"Brilliant V!" Fred said patting me on the back.

"That's my girl!" George followed patting my head.

We all laughed together before Professor Slughorn began the class.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now