Chapter Seventy Seven: Telling Fred Weasley

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(Song: Astronomy by Conan Gray)

The girls all slept in our dorm last night. Angie and I shared a bed. Angie laughed when I insisted I'd sleep on the floor to make her feel more comfortable. She said that she wasn't even showing yet, so it's not necessary.

I don't know, I've never had anyone close to me expecting. Besides all the adults in my life. But I was a child.

In the end, Angie was actually happy about having a baby. The only thing that worried her was Fred and her parents. But she was happy nonetheless.

"Good morning V," she said as she sat up on my bed.

"Good morning, Angie," I said as I got up from my bed, "Good morning baby Angie," I said talking to her stomach.

She started giggling.

"You seem like you're in a better mood this morning," I commented as I put on my hoodie.

She smiled.

"Your pep talk really helped me last night," she began, "I feel a sense of calmness over me," she explained.

"Well that's good," Jess said in a sleepy voice. She rolled over to face us, "Stress isn't good for the baby," Jess finished.

I nodded.

"The girls all support you," I said as Jess nodded in agreement.

Angie smiled.

"I'm grateful for you three," Angie began, "It's so much easier when you have people on your side," she said.

"Besides, Lilah will kick Fred's ass for you if he steps out of line," Jess said.

We all laughed.

"So are you going to tell him today?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I just wanna get it over with," she said.

"Well you could start off by telling his twin brother first," I suggested.

"I guess," she said as she began putting her shoes on.

"You wanna do it now?" I asked as I put my shoes on.

She nodded.

"Will you three come with me?" Angie asked.

"Sure but, Lilah's still asleep," Jess said as we all looked at Lilah.

"I'm awake, let's go," Lilah said all of a sudden as she practically jumped out of bed and put her slippers on.

We giggled.

"All right, let's go tell George," Angie said.

It was only seven in the morning, so it was still pretty quiet in the common rooms.

We arrived at the Gryffindor common room, the four of us marched up to the boys dorms. Once we arrived at their door, I slowly turned the knob and opened the door.

The twins were sound asleep in their beds. While the girls waited by the door, I quietly made my way to Georgie's bed.

I knelt down so I was face to face with him. He looked so cute when he was sleeping.

"Georgie babe, I need you to wake up," I whispered as I caressed his face and pushed his hair back.

"You'll have to kiss me first V," he whispered while his eyes were still closed.

I smiled.

"It's important, we've got to go," I said as I tried pulling him out of bed.

"Okay fine," he said.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now