Chapter Thirty Seven: Consequences

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(Song: Give Yourself A Try by the 1975)

We all waited as Dumbledore called us in one by one. Lilah was currently being disciplined by Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick. McGonagall and Snape were going to be called in for Fred, Ben, and Ezra.

"Looks like I may have sorted you in the wrong house Clarke, heard this has been your third violent outburst so far," the sorting hat said.

I buried my head in my hands.

Lilah came out of the office, she had to get her hands looked at by Madam Pomfrey. Her hands were definitely bruised.

"Vera Clarke," Professor Flitwick said as I got up and went inside.

I sat in the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk.

"You know very well that violence is prohibited on school grounds," Dumbledore began.

I nodded.

"Ms. Walsh informed us that Ms.Dupont used a love potion on Mr. Weasley. Is that true? Did you know about this?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I'll have to inform the headmistress then," he continued.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Vera?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Fred, Ezra, and Ben only got involved to stop Lilah and me from fighting Camila and George. Don't punish them, they were trying to help," I said.

Dumbledore nodded.

"This is not like you Vera, you're not the violent type," Flitwick commented.

"With all due respect sir, you don't know me. I don't even know who I am anymore. I keep having these violent outbursts and I've been hearing voices beginning last year. Everything has been changing," I replied.

"Voices? Like Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked referring to Harry being able to speak parseltongue.

I shook my head.

"I don't recognize the voice, but it sometimes gives me advice," I began.

Flitwick and Dumbledore looked very confused.

"I don't know what that voice may be. What I can tell you is that you'll be joining Ms. Walsh for week detention cleaning up classrooms on the third floor with Professor Flitwick," he said.

I nodded.

"Yes sir," I replied.

"Go to the infirmary to get your hands bandaged. I think you caused more damage than Delilah did," Dumbledore.

I left the office. Fred, Ezra, and Ben were no longer there.

I did see Cedric standing in the hall, however.

"Vera, I heard what happened this morning, are you alright?" he asked as we both walked downstairs.

"I'm fine, just feeling a little down," I said.

"I hope things work out between you and George, I heard he's recovering from both the potion and his injuries," he said.

I smiled.

"I'm not sure I want things to go back the way they were, to be quite honest," I said.

"Yeah, relationships are tough," he said.

"Speaking of relationships, how are you and Cho doing?" I asked.

He smiled.

"We're doing great, she's brilliant," he said.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now