Chapter Seventy Three: Christmas with the Clarke's

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(Song: Camisado by Panic! at the Disco)

The holidays approached pretty quickly. Everyone was going back home to celebrate Christmas with their families.

Unfortunately, Arthur Weasley was attacked before the holidays. Harry had a vision. The twins, Ron, and Ginny all went home a few days early. They're going to celebrate Christmas at Sirius' place now, the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix.

When I came home, Ezra was there to happily greet me. Things still seemed to be awkward between my parents and I, mainly my adoptive mother/aunt. My adoptive father/uncle broke the tension earlier in the week.

He apologized for everything. He said that he thought he was doing the right thing by not telling me about my parents. He assured me he still loved me as his daughter which meant so much to me considering he has never shown this much affection towards me.

Mum and I still haven't managed to have a full conversation yet.

Tonight was Christmas Eve. The Malfoys came over for dinner.

The car that they gifted me for my birthday was in our driveway. I've already used it a couple times to go Christmas shopping with Ezra and Ben.

Turns out Ezra got a motorcycle from them while I was at Hogwarts. He seemed to love it considering he gets up at seven each morning to go polish that thing.

"How about you three open one present tonight?" Aunt Narcissa suggested.

Our parents were seated on the couch while Ezra, Draco, and I sat on the floor drinking hot chocolate.

"Alright, Draco you go first," Ezra suggested.

"There's like ten of them here with my name on it, which one should I open?" he asked.

"I suggest the metallic green box," I said while I drank my hot chocolate.

He nodded as he picked that one up.

"Did you get me this one V?" Draco asked.

"No, but I know what's inside," I replied.

He ripped off the bow, tore off the green wrapping paper, and opened the lid of the box.

"Oh wow," Draco said with a surprise look.

He pulled out the keys from the box.

"Did you really get me a car?" Draco asked his parents while holding up the key.

They nodded.

"Now Draco can drive me around," Ezra joked.

I laughed.

"Okay Vera hon, it's your turn," my dad said.

"Okay," I said as I set my hot chocolate down on the table and looked for a present under the tree.

"Maybe you should pick that nice big silver box all the way at the end," Ezra suggested.

"Well okay, who's this from?" I asked.

"That one's from mum and dad," Ezra chimed in.

I nodded.

"It's so heavy," I said, trying to drag it out from under the tree.

"Here, allow me little sister," Ezra said as he easily picked up the box and set it down in front of me.

"Thanks Ez," I said as I knelt in front of the present.

I began taking the green bow off and then I started tearing off the wrapping paper. I was left with a big box with a picture of a typewriter on it.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora