Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

    Oversight Office.

    Seeing that Jun Takano was easily defeated by a major player from the coalition, Tsuda Lizhen was so angry that she almost couldn't catch her breath.

    Takano Jun, the ace player of their Hyperion Military Academy, a rare SS-level genius among the new generation, and a rookie with 2,000 points in mecha combat power, was actually defeated by an unknown player!

    It's still halfway through the lowest difficulty preliminary round!

    Thinking of this, Mr. Tsuda swallowed a quick-acting Jiuxin Pill, and his temples were swollen and painful.

    In three minutes, she asked for all the information on this black mech.


    Because the seats are arranged according to the ranking of the previous competition, the Allied Army University is right next to Hyperion.

    Seeing this, Du Xiurong gave her a concerned look: "Teacher Tsuda, are you okay? If you have a bad heart, don't lead the team anymore.

    " .

    The man pushed down his sunglasses: "It's just a well-intentioned suggestion. After all, there are still many games to come." It's not good to be eliminated by our midfield every time.

    Tsuda Lizhen: "..." She could see that the coalition army's upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked. From teacher to student, one is more eccentric than the other.

    Live broadcast.

    "Hyperion was completely defeated in this wave. Although they used a despicable trick at the end, it can only prove to us that they are weak."

    At this time, it has been changed to night commentary, and he has no specific favorite team. , A poisonous tongue that treats all military academies equally.

    "All the members are eliminated in the middle of the process. Even if they are dying to fight back and drag one of the coalition forces into the water, it seems that it is not a good deal."

    "Besides, the black mecha that looks like the coalition's trump card is still on the field. We have reason to believe that as long as she stays on the field for a day, the Allied Forces will be ranked first in this game." After watching Xiao Qingyun's performance last night, the commentator admired her a little.

    He glanced at the real-time feedback of the barrage: "Everyone seems to be very curious about the identity of the pilot of this black mech."

    "Because of her powerful lethality earlier, most people had guessed that she was the main C. position. However, with the elimination of the real main C just now, this guess has undoubtedly been denied." The

    commentator glanced at the list of entries, and smiled meaningfully: "It is the ordinary players who were bad-mouthed before the start of the competition. □□It’s quite surprising that he’s on the field.”

    Regarding this, the bullet screens all told him to stop playing tricks and get to the point.

    In fact, regarding the identity of the black mecha, everyone already had a vague guess in their hearts, but they just didn't want to admit it, and couldn't believe it.

    How can the students of the general department be stronger than the students of the mech department?


    The general subjects are already proficient at the technical level, and it would be too heaven-defying to use force to break the table.

    Fortunately, the commentary didn't make them wait too long. After a little hiccup, the commentary switched the video back to the part where Xiao Qingyun controlled the bullets to shoot at the two of them, turning the situation around.

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