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Minju (Ex-IZ*ONE) x Male Reader
(A/n: Requested but they asked not to be mentioned.)

Y/n's POV

"Minju," I smiled. "You look pretty."

"Thank you Jagiya," she stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheeks. "I'll be late if I don't leave soon."

"Okay," I kissed her forehead.

She smiled at me before leaving the apartment. I sighed, leaning back against the kitchen counter.

"I guess I'll find something to do," I looked around.

I had taken the day off after finding out last week Minju had the day for herself as well. And then yesterday, her boss asked her to work.

She was a workaholic. Minju rarely took days off. When she did, we'd spend the day together but we didn't do anything along the lines of intimacy.

We were still practically virgins. She saved herself for marriage and I just never really cared for sex when I was younger.

I cared more about my career and schooling path. Minju was the same, but now since we've been married for two years I've been itching.

"I'll just go hang out with Kwangho," I got my shoes on. "Maybe he could offer advice?"


"Hyung!" I cheered seeing my best friend.

"Y/n!" He hugged me. "What's up? It's been a couple months!"

"Well nothing much," we sat at a bar table.

We had small talk, drinking some beers. I finally grew the nerves to ask what I needed to.

"So Hyung," I cleared my throat. "You know Minju works a lot right?"

"Yeah she does," he frowned. "Even Yena doesn't work that much."

"I know," I sighed. "But we've been married for two years. We didn't even have a honeymoon because she chose to work, well, I should say we."

"Wait so are you telling me-?" His eyes widened. "You two haven't had-?!"

"No we haven't!" I placed my hand over his mouth. "Like...ever."

Kwangho slowly took my hand off his mouth.

"How is that even possible?" He whispered. "I mean, you two aren't ugly. What's the hold up?"

"I can never get her attention I guess," i shrugged. "Can you give me any tips?"

"Well first off," he looked at me. "Get a haircut. Secondly, there is a pill that is made to....enhance a woman's sexual drive. I'll get you some if you want, Yena uses it all the time. But also, she wants me all the time now too."

"You cocky son of a bitch," I laughed.

He laughed with me before standing up.

"I'll give you a whole bottle's worth," he waved to me. "Come on, you can catch up with Yena when we get there."


It's been a week since I've seen Kwangho. Minju had been working nonstop like she usually does but today was the day.

She had gotten the whole day off. We spent it together but something was missing. I wanted her but she was too busy waiting for her phone to buzz.

I was excited until I realized that she was watching her phone like a hawk. I hated her boss but she loved the money.

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