Chapter 411-420

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"Dabao, do you want Sister Lin to beat people for you?"

Dabao shook his head quickly.

"No, no, the teacher said that fighting is wrong, but it should be okay to scare him, just a little bit."

Dabao also showed a "a little bit" trend.

The adults only breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this child say so.

If this kid was so young, he would have the idea of ​​letting his own bodyguards beat people.

Then Lin Xuan must educate, educate, Dabao, what is meant by absolutely not bullying others.

Otherwise, this child will develop a lawless dude character in the future, what should I do...

"It's not good to be scared." Lin Xuan shook his head.

Although it was not a beating, it was just a fright, but Lin Xuan was still prepared to prevent the slightest failure.

"No..." Dabao was a little disappointed.

"You have to rely on yourselves for this matter. Don't ask for help from adults. For children's issues, the children have to solve them by themselves. There is no prospect of finding an adult."

After listening to the father's words, the three babies looked at each other.

"Dad, I know."

Dabao nodded: "We won't ask mom and dad for help!"

"We will solve it ourselves!"

Er Bao looked very excited, "This girl...Is she thinking of some horrible idea?"

It's the Three Treasures. Although they are boys, they seem to be quiet, but the small eyes make people feel a little uneasy?

Shouldn't the children really do strange things?

The babies who had failed to ask their parents for help, Dada ran aside, got together, and began to talk in a whisper.

Looking at the funny figures of the children, Yang Zhihui couldn't help but sigh: "It's so good, childhood sweetheart, two little no guesses, why don't I have such a little bamboo horse?"

Cai Qingshu looked at Yang Zhihui in horror.

Mr. Lin's mother is not too young to be considered, is it really okay to say this in front of the younger generation?

Lin Xuan and the others have been ignorant of Yang Zhihui for some time and are completely accustomed to it, and they have not complained about it.

"You said, what method will the babies use?" Yang Ziyi asked curiously.

"Well, kid, isn't it just those?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "If these little guys really did something that I didn't expect, I would take a high look.

Nothing will happen, right?

Cai Qingshu was a little worried.

She was afraid that the children would do anything extraordinary.

"It's okay, although I didn't promise the babies just now, but what did they really encounter", can we adults still not give them a lot of money? "

Cai Qingshu felt relieved after hearing what Lin Xuan said.

Her eyes fell on Lin Xuan's legs again.

"Lin Xuan, how has your body recovered recently?"

"If you want to say this, I won't be sleepy!"

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