Chapter 130: The chairman was abused by the Internet?

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"Lin Xuan, thank you. I didn't know what to do without you just now."

In the car, Zhao Yujia looked at Lin Xuan and said thank you.

"It's okay, you are Ziyi's friend, I must help you, and this matter is not your fault."

Lin Xuan shook his head and smiled. This incident was not Zhao Yujia's fault in the first place. If it was Zhao Yujia's fault, it would be okay to apologize.

After finishing speaking, Lin Xuan drove the car towards Huxin Garden.

Soon, arrived home.

As soon as he walked in, Yang Ziyi saw Zhao Yujia coming, and smiled and said, ‘Yujia, here comes. ’

"Zi Yi, here I am."

"Baby, do you miss auntie?"

"Eh, oh~~"

"Haha, my aunt misses you too."

Seeing these two little cuties, the uncomfortable mood just now suddenly felt relieved.

It seems that these two little guys have the ability to heal.

"I remember your plane at ten o'clock? It's half past ten now, is there a delay on the road?" Yang Ziyi greeted Zhao Yujia to sit down and asked curiously.

"Speaking of which, this matter makes people angry, Zi Yi, don't you know."

Zhao Yujia told Yang Ziyi what had happened just now.

After listening to what her girlfriend said, Yang Ziyi was also a little angry.

"This star does not pass on positive energy and asks you to apologize without asking why. This kind of star is afraid that it will not go far."

"Yes, this kind of star can't really be a star."

"Well, this matter has passed, there is no need to say it again, so as not to affect my mood."

Lin Xuan shook his head, this matter has already ended, there is no need to talk about it.

However, Lin Xuan and the others felt that this matter had ended, but there was a hot search on the blog at this time.

Although this hot search is now only at number 25, soon with the help of netizens and fans, the popularity has continued to rise. In just over an hour, this hot search has risen to number 15.

I saw the content of the title: "A man said that a second-tier star is just a star, and his attitude is very arrogant!"

"He actually looks down on our Oppa, who does he think he is? He also said that Oppa is a second-tier star!"

"Yes, our Obama is indeed a second-tier star, but I believe it will not be long before our Obama will become a first-tier star!"

"Compared to status, we are just a second-tier star, but we are much better than that man!"

"Yeah, yeah, who gave him the courage to say that?"

"And there is that woman, she pushed people to the ground, and afterwards the man made the fans of Oppa apologize! We can't accept this kind of thing!"

Fans are crazy. As long as someone dares to say that their idol is not good, then those who dare to say such things will be condemned by these fans.

Driven by An Huanxin, this hot search title has directly risen again, and now it has risen to the tenth place in the hot search list.

"What qualifications does he have to mock our idol!"

"I've seen this on the spot. It's clearly your fault, but you blame others on the contrary, haha, your fans, real cowhide!" This was a passerby.

But this passer-by was the only one, and soon under the impact of those fans, the comments fell to the bottom.

"You said this man can't do it? Hehe, what you say makes people feel as if."

"Don't think that Lin Xuan has no fans, we are also his fans, he is our idol."

"Tell you, the last time the Rongcheng vicious dog wounded people, Lin Xuan helped the mother and daughter, and was invited by the police station to shoot a dog-raising public welfare film, and was even interviewed by Ren Ming Pao. ."

"Have your celebrities been interviewed by Ming Pao? I guess it shouldn't, because you don't have that strength!"

If a passerby speaks, there will naturally be a second one.

Lin Xuan's fans on the blog, seeing the star's fans, are so arrogant and dissatisfied.

In this hot-searched comment area, I tweeted my own words, and even popularized science for them, who was the man they met today.

"I have been interviewed by Ming Pao, that's great? His attitude today is very unfriendly, so I apologize!"

An Huanxin looked at this hot search, and other passers-by came and claimed to be a fan of that person. She also said that she had been interviewed by Ming Pao, which made her even more dissatisfied and said directly.

"Haha, she is in a hurry, she is in a hurry."

"What else? I have been interviewed by Ming Pao. What's so great."

"Yes, our Lin Xuan is really nothing remarkable, but is your celebrity worthy? Is it worthy to be interviewed by Ming Pao? Not worthy at all!"

"Even if our idol has not been interviewed by Ren Ming Pao, his identity and status are not comparable to yours, Lin Xuan!"

"Haha, don't compare Mr. Lin Xuan with your celebrities, because your celebrities are not worthy at all!"

An Huanxin saw that he couldn't talk about these fans of Lin Xuan, so he had to give up and turned to talk about Zhao Yujia.

"Hmph, I don’t want to talk about your idol, the one called Lin Xuan. Today I want to say that I was picking up the plane at the magic city, but the girl next to Lin Xuan actually pushed me to the ground. Don't apologize to me, how do you say this thing!"

"Haha, didn't a netizen just say it? This matter is obviously your fault!"

"You should apologize to others!"

There is heat, and naturally there are many unscrupulous media who are willing to bring this heat.

It didn't take long for another popularity to be in the top ten of the hot search list again.

"The dog-raising ambassador, he was openly stunned at the Magic City Airport today!"

"Lin Xuan insulted fans of other celebrities in order to help his friends!"

"Unscrupulous media, get out of here! Who is Mr. Lin Xuan insulting? If you can't tell, shut up!"

"Yeah, yeah, now these unscrupulous media are actually sending out a few messy things for exposure, it's really damning!"

Many people came out and fell into trouble.

After all, Lin Xuan himself has heat, and if they expose this heat again, then they can also absorb a lot of traffic.

"Mr. Li, Chairman Lin was violently attacked by the Internet."

Guansheng Entertainment Group, a female assistant, came to Li Haoguang's office and hurriedly spoke.

"Chairman Lin was attacked by the Internet? When did it happen?" Li Haoguang was taken aback when he heard this.

You know, the last time Chairman Lin served as the dog ambassador of Rongcheng, how long has passed since he was actually attacked by the Internet.

"Just today, there are already several hot searches now."

Hearing this, Li Haoguang pondered slightly and nodded: "Let me take a look first."

After that, I opened the blog and looked at the hot searches on it. After reading these things, Li Haoguang was also very angry.

These are all fabricated out of thin air and talk nonsense!

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