Chapter 44: Take my wife to buy a car

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"Okay." Lin Xuan promised his wife verbally, but as to what price car to buy at that time, wait until I go to the 4S store to check it out.

At station B, the video uploaded by Yang Ziyi last night also became popular at station B.

In just one night, Lin Xuan's registered account had more than 10,000 fans.

Many of them are alumni of Lin Xuan School, and of course there are also many passers-by.

In the comment area, many netizens also posted comments.

"Is this Senior Lin's baby? How cute!"

Some girls watch the videos of the babies. Although the figures of the babies in the video are only ten seconds or so, the cute faces of the babies have been deeply rooted in their hearts.

"Of course, Senior Lin is so handsome, and the babies must be very cute too. With this video, why didn't Senior Lin take his wife into the video? Let's also see who it is!"

"Yes, at the beginning, Senior Lin, but playing a song Feng Qiuhuang in the school also made our school ranked in the top ten of the blog hot search list."

"I have some friends outside who asked me if this student is in our school."

"It's amazing. I heard that because of the hot search in our school, many teachers in the school are also very happy. I heard that because of this hot search, many high school students from other places are also planning to apply for our school."

"Senior Lin that you are talking about is really so good?"

"If you listen carefully to the tunes played by Lin Xuechang, do you think it is very beautiful? I personally think that this Fengqiuhuang is the best Fengqiuhuang tune I have ever heard on the Internet."

"It's really beautiful, but Ye is not as exaggerated as you said."

"In fact, this piece was played by Senior Lin, in front of the teachers and students of the school, for his wife, but we don't know who the wife of Senior Lin is, and we are also very curious."

"It's a pity that Senior Lin didn't want to disclose, hey."

"Everyone can move your fingers as long as you can, and help Mr. Lin's video three times. Thank you."

"For you, I have been in three consecutive matches. At any rate, Senior Lin, but the senior from our school, the third consecutive has been given!"

Lin Xuan and the others did not pay attention to the video posted at station B last night. At this time, Lin Xuan had already driven the car and headed to the largest 4S shop in the city.

Parked the car outside the 4S shop, Lin Xuan took his wife, babies, and aunt, Zhao Yujia, into the 4S shop.

As soon as I entered the 4S store, the salesperson on the side saw Lin Xuan and the others walking in with the stroller, with a look of doubt on their faces.

Looking forward with curiosity: "Hello, gentleman, may I ask you who are you here???"

"I must be here to buy a car." Lin Xuan smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Buy a car?"

"Sir, we only have cars driven by adults. If you want to buy a car for your baby, you can go to a children's car store."

When the salesperson heard this, he thought Lin Xuan and the others were planning to buy a car for the babies, so they reminded him.

"Who said we bought a car for my baby? We came here to buy a car for my wife." Seeing him say this, Lin Xuan shook his head and explained.

I Am In College And Start To Become A DaddyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora