Chapter 90: Is our son-in-law so good?

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Not long after this news was posted, most of those netizens who had followed Fang Jinglong posted comments under his dynamics.

"If you can get compliments from Mr. Fang, then it means that this young man is very powerful. No, I will listen to it right away. Everyone, I will go first."

"Mr. Fang, but one of the four kings of the musical instrument industry, and that person actually rejected Mr. Fang. No, let me listen to it and see if the music this person plays is really good!"

Wang Zhongshan, Guzheng Heavenly King.

He learned the piano since he was a child and got the guidance of more than ten folk Guzheng masters, and laid a solid foundation. Later, he learned from the famous Guzheng master Mr. Zhao Manqin and quickly and skillfully mastered the "quick finger sequence technique system".

Wang Zhongshan has a deep foundation, and at the same time, he has been mentored by famous experts. The blue is better than the blue. What is more commendable is that he does not stick to the existing skills, but constantly improves and innovates.

Wang Zhongshan is known as the King of Guzheng by purely relying on his superb playing skills. To paraphrase a popular saying for judging strength, Wang Zhongshan's Guzheng playing skills are "unique."

His playing skills and innovative points have been praised and learned by various universities, and Wang's techniques have also continuously promoted the continuous advancement of the quintessential art of Guzheng.

Wang Zhongshan also commented on Fang Jinglong’s dynamics: "Fang Lao, I watched this video you posted. This young man should be the one who was on the hot search list last time, right?"

"The tunes he played are really good. If I were the same age as him, I couldn't compare to him at all."

"If he spends a few years and can produce better music, I believe that one day in the future, he may also become the king of the musical instrument industry!"

‘Isn’t this the Guzheng King? There is such a high evaluation for the young people in this video! ’

Those netizens who watched the comment area were all taken aback. They didn't think that the king of Guzheng was so optimistic about the young people in this video!

"Haha, Zhongshan, the future achievements of this young man are limitless. I have to tell you the news. The reason why I value this young man so much is because he has a good foundation, but he helped me improve. A song, and this song, let me wake up my wife."

Fang Jinglong threw out a heavy news that his lover woke up.

People in the musical instrument industry only need older netizens and netizens who know a lot about it. Most of them know Mr. Fang's wife.

Unexpectedly, the song improved by this person can actually wake up his lover!

"Haha, old Fang, congratulations, congratulations, this is simply a great event!"

The netizens in the comment area all congratulated Fang Jinglong.

"But Mr. Fang, I'm a little bit puzzled, why he has always played the pieces that others have played, and according to his talents, he can compose by himself?" Wang Zhongshan asked suspiciously.

"He is still a student, he is also married, and there are two little babies. You can see the video before him. The two little babies are very cute."

"I guess that the reason why he doesn't compose by himself is because most of his energy is placed on his wives and babies, so he doesn't have time to compose."

Wang Zhongshan asked the netizens’ doubts, and after Fang Lao’s explanation, everyone understood.

"If it were me, I would definitely worship Lao Fang as a teacher. After all, Lao Fang is very powerful, but this person refused to worship Lao Fang as a teacher for his wife and babies. He is a good man!"

"Yeah, yeah, there are not many good men in these years!"

"Isn't this Senior Lin from our school? It's amazing to get such a high evaluation from Mr. Fang!"

‘He is a student in your school? How's it going? Do you have good academic performance in school? Is your attitude toward classmates good? ’

"Senior Lin is very good, not to mention his academic performance, and he is also very handsome, very talented, and has a very good attitude towards his classmates."

"By the way, his wife is also in our school. As for the name, I won't say anything."

The reason why I chose not to talk about it was because the front of Teacher Yang was rarely photographed in the video of Senior Lin, so she would not disclose it either.

JN District, Zhao Yujia is eating at Yang Ziyi’s house today.

Tang Yumin looked at Zhao Yujia and smiled and said, "Yujia, eat more. I didn't expect your parents to be so busy. It's Sunday today and they are not at home yet."

"Auntie, Mom and Dad have always been like this. After all, is it within the system? There have been a lot of things recently, so I'm still busy today."

Zhao Yujia sighed while eating.

"Usually your parents are busy, even if you come to your aunt's house to eat, there will be one more person and it will be more lively." Tang Yumin smiled.

Zhao Yujia and Yang Ziyi grew up together. They are not only good friends, but also the best girlfriends.

And she also treated Zhao Yujia as a half daughter.

"Okay, Auntie, I know."

After lunch, Zhao Yujia helped Tang Yumin tidy up the tableware, and after the tableware was cleaned, he sat on the sofa and brushed his blog.


"Auntie, come and see!"

While reading the blog, Zhao Yujia suddenly saw Fang Jinglong posting a post, and also on the hot search, and the video link in the post was Lin Xuan's video.

Seeing this, Zhao Yujia greeted Tang Yumin excitedly.

"Yujia, what's the matter?"

"Auntie, Fang Jinglong evaluated Lin Xuan, and Wang Zhongshan's evaluation was among them."

"Fang Jinglong? I remember you said that he is one of the four kings of the musical instrument industry, right?"

"Yes, Auntie, Fang Lao is very famous, and Wang Zhongshan is also very famous, and he is also one of the four heavenly kings in the musical instrument industry."

"They are all complimenting Lin Xuan for the good music he played, and they also said that Lin Xuan's future achievements are limitless."

"So amazing! It seems that our son-in-law is really good!"

Hearing that, Tang Yumin was very happy. Her son-in-law has actually received the evaluation of the two four heavenly kings in the musical instrument industry, and the high evaluation made her feel very fulfilled.

Yang Weicheng sat aside, listening to the conversation between his wife and niece, he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Xuan to achieve such a high level of achievement.

Tang Yumin glanced at Yang Weicheng and found a surprised look on his face. He pursed his lips and asked Zhao Yujia to open the link and listen to the music played by Lin Xuan.

Zhao Yujia nodded and clicked on the video link. The three of them were in the room, listening to Lin Xuan's music.

The tune is really good. Even if they don’t understand the tune, they can fully listen to it because it is beautiful, gentle, and comfortable.

"Wait, Auntie, look at this Guqin!"

Zhao Yujia discovered another small detail, the Guqin in Lin Xuan's hands. She remembered seeing it on the Internet before.

"Guqin, what's the matter?" Looking at Zhao Yujia's startled expression, Tang Yumin asked in confusion.

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