Chapter 391-400

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"Can't mom tell you stories? Dad has to tell you stories before you can fall asleep?"

Hearing this, Yang Ziyi was angry and funny.

A wry smile.

"Besides, your father is busy now, but he doesn't have time to tell you stories. So, today, mom tells you stories."


The three little guys had no choice but to nod their heads.

Then Yang Ziyi sat on the side of the bed, dimmed the lights, and told stories to the babies.

After a while, 1 Erbao said cutely, "Well...Why it hasn't dawned yet, I have opened my eyes several times."

"Well, me too."

Yang Ziyi gave them a white look, and she was telling them a good story. They were good, and had been looking forward to it, soon morning.

"Mom, didn't you say that after you close your eyes and sleep, then open your eyes and it will light up?"

Sambo bulged his cheeks and said, "Why don't we open our eyes and the day after tomorrow is not bright?"

Yang Ziyi thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "Because, Grandpa Sun wants to rest too. Grandpa Sun has spent a whole day in the sky. Now it's finally dark, he also wants to rest. Now, Grandpa Sun, He hasn't woken up yet."

"When will Grandpa Sun wake up?"

"We have to wait a while."

Er Bao was immediately unhappy.

"Mom, mom, can you ask Dad to call Father Sun?"

Yang Ziyi immediately shook his head: "No, didn't my mother say that, Grandpa Sun is very tired after hanging in the sky for a day."

"You can't call him, we have to let him take a good rest, so that when we go to play tomorrow, Father Sun will also be very happy to sprinkle the sun on the babies and make your whole body warm."

"Oh oh, well, let Father Sun take a good rest."

"As for you, just listen to your mother telling you stories, and then sleep well. In this case, when you open your eyes in the morning, it will dawn."

Yang Ziyi smiled and continued to tell the story: "Once upon a time, there was a princess in the castle...

"Is it Princess Bai Need?"

Dabao suddenly spoke.

"Huh, have you heard of Dabao?"

"Dad said it." Dabao said so.

_Yang Ziyi is a little helpless, well, since I have told it, I can only change the story.

"A long time ago there was a Cinderella..."

"Cinderella! I have talked about it~"

"Once upon a time - a Gourd Mountain..."

"Calabash Baby also talked about it.".

Yang Ziyi is about to collapse...

She racked her brains and told all the stories she knew suitable for children.

It turned out that Lin Xuan had already told all the stories.

Not only that, these simple fairy tales are told again, and the babies are not interested at all.

She was defeated by the children.

Finally, Yang Ziyi, with a face almost crying, left the babies' bedroom.

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