Epilogue + Thanks For Reading

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"So, Tetsuya didn't end up with Yuko?" I ask, frowning.

"Why did you think that he would?" Mommy asks, laughing awkwardly.

I tilt my head. "I'm not sure."

"The story isn't over yet," Erika says.

Daddy nods. "She's right. There's still more left to go."

I lower my head. Part of me wishes that it would end there. The pang in my chest hasn't stopped, but grown stronger.

"Are you saying that Rosa might not end up with Tetsu after all?" I ask.

Daddy leans on his chair. "Not necessarily, you're right to assume that they do. Yuko will only win if tragedy strikes."

"Bummer," Taichi says, frowning.

"Ahh! Don't say that!" I yell, jumping to my feet.

"Ashi, where are you going?" Mommy asks as I rush off.

"I'm going to go play outside." I don't want to hear a tragedy... but, I was already in it too deep. Would Papa really tell me a tragic story? Wait, who does Papa even know this story if he isn't Tetsu? And if he is, then am I the bun in Rosa's oven? Hehe, that means that I'm a prince! Ah, but that means my grandpas are bad people!

I shake my head. Come on, you're no one special, Ashi. I glanced up at the clear blue sky and smile. And that's just fine!

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed this book ^_^. God willing, I will publish the fifth book on May 15th, so two months from now. The working title for now is Book of Resolution, but haven't 100% settled on it yet. This will likely be my final extension (originally planned to end the series with Song of Divine Wrath, but had a truck load of stuff left that I wanted to explore, and I wasn't able to cover it all in this book either) as I'm close to the point I've had in mind for the finale of the driving conflict. 

Thanks for following the story of Tetsuya and co. for as long as you've had. I've had my ups and downs with writing it, but overall, I would say that it's been a blast! This chapter is dedicated to ShinomiyaDR who has served as my quasi-beta reader for the past two books now. While you guys wait for me to publish the fifth book, you could take a look at her stuff to tide you over ^^.**

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