Episode 22: Lingering Unknowns

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There was nothing but green for miles until we came across some snow-peaked mountains. They reminded me of the ones back in the valley. Hopefully, Mom and Teresa were fine. Mom was pregnant, so she wasn't in the state to fight. My sister was quick, but unlike Taku and me, she wasn't much of a fighter. Thankfully, Nico had stayed back to care for them.

My lungs filled with air. I needed to get Serra back before returning home. Even when we weren't on the best terms, we always went back together. It would be strange without him there.

Serra, please be fine.

I gasped as something soft rubbed against my left hand. Yuko furrowed her brow at me.

"Is Master alright?" Yuko asked, pulling her hand away.

I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled. "Yeah, I'm just a little tired. It would've been nice if we could've rested a bit more in Xian."

Yuko narrowed her eyes at me. "Master's deflecting."

My eyes widened. She could tell?

"What makes you think that?" I asked, laughing. "I seriously could use a nap right now."

"Tetsu, even I know you're lying," Rosa said as she flew over to me.

I looked ahead, trying to not make contact with either girl. "I don't know why I'm worrying, but I am."

"Is it Serra?" the two said in unison.

I snickered. It was strange how the girls did that. Were they also of one mind on top of being of the same soul?

"What's so funny?" Rosa asked.

I couldn't help but smile. "You two are different, but yet so similar."

"Yuko and the princess are?" Yuko asked as she shifted her gaze toward Rosa.

"In some ways, yeah. Anyway, thanks for trying to cheer me up. You two are the best-"

"Girlfriends I could've asked for," Kohri said as he flew over to us. He chuckled as our faces turned bright red.

"That is not what I was about to say!" I said, leering at him.

"Sorry, I couldn't miss the chance to say that," Kohri said, grinning. He held up his hand as a ball of ice flew at him. "Hey, don't throw stuff, Hyo! Now's not the time to fight."

Hyosetsu sighed. "Nor is it the time to tease the princess, Tetsuya, nor Yuko."

"He has a point there," Rosa said, grinning.

Yuko nodded. "Yeah."

"Thanks, Hyo!" I yelled, waving at him.

My fellow knight turned his head away. "I didn't exactly do it for your sake. I just hate his teasing in general."

"Don't think you're one to talk," Rosa said, leering at him.

Hyosetsu snickered. "Should I have allowed my brother to continue?"

"I can if you want me to," Kohri said, grinning.

Rose grumbled. "Don't think of it!"

"Kohri. I have no issue with you teasing Rosa, but please don't bother my little sister or her crush," Onami said, appearing behind her boyfriend.

Yuko squirmed as soon as her sister said 'crush'.

I laughed. "You okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah, it's just a little embarrassing," she whispered. Funny hearing her say that after kissing me twice without much hesitation.

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