Episode 57: Help Acceptance

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[The next day- Tetsuya's place]

"Got you!" Layla said as she tackled her brother Nate.

"Wahh," Nate said, grumbling.

Layla giggled. "Now you're it, Nat!"

My sister laughed as she watched her kids play.

"Aren't you worried about Alex and Amun?" I asked.

Rene sighed. "Nate said that he talked to them. They made it safely back home. And here I thought that Hideo and Kiara were the wanderers of the family."

I snickered as I remembered the trouble my old rugrats got into. Like that one time when Tetsu went missing during his birthday. Taku and Tere were worried about their brother, but Shi easily found him sleeping in the lavender field.

"Look who's here," a cheerful voice called out.

I turned left and gasped. A black haired, purple-eyed man in a black coat and plain white shirt made his way toward us.

A girl who resembled me walked alongside him.

"Big bro, Jun," Rene said.

Jun frowned. "Shouldn't it be big sister?"

I laughed. "Rene reserves that for me."

Jun sighed. "Yeah, but I'm her older sister too."

Sorrel patted her shoulder. "It's hard to be the middle girl, huh?"

"Auntie Jun! Uncle Sor!" Dossie yelled as she ran toward us.

"Auntie and Uncle won't protect you!'" Nat said as he closed the gap between them.

Dossie closed her eyes and did a big u-turn.

"Come back here!"

Layla blinked as she stood still. "Why is he chasing only Dossie?

"Dossie seems to be an easier target," Sorreal said, snickering.

"Meanie, Nate! Chasing the slower damsel is what villains do!" Dossie cried as she continued to run.

Nate jumped and turned around.

Layla gasped as Nate quickly closed the distance with her.

My pink-haired niece turned around and ran for it.

Jun giggled. "Seeing them reminds me of us."

"We used to chase each other like a dog chases its tail," Sorreal said, chuckling at he turned to look at Jun.

I sighed. Wished I could've experienced it firsthand. Could only sit and watch like now.

"What brings you two here?" I asked as I tried to push myself up. My legs froze up, forcing me to sit back down.

"You alright?" Rene asked, grabbing my arm.

I smiled slightly. "It seems that I've been sitting for too long that my legs fell asleep."

"Hope it's just that," Rene said.

"Yeah, it could be similar to what happened to mom when she was having Rene," Jun said.

Mom's disease made it hard for her to walk around the time she was expecting our baby sister. After she gave birth, she couldn't walk for long periods. Even when walking on her own two feet, she needed the assistance of a cane.

At the time, I remembered thinking it was better than my state. I'd couldn't get out of bed when that happened.

In hindsight, my mother had it tough. Her oldest being too sick to move much, and her losing the ability to move around. As such, she could no longer attend to me as she often did. Instead, she needed assistance to look after me.

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