Episode 55: A Rat's Pride

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[Abyssia- Castle of Shadows]

I stirred awake and found myself on top of something super soft. It was a blanket of wool. Had Woolsey left it for me?

The door of my room suddenly opened. I gulped as I was met with a stern look from Daisaru.

He crossed his arms. "You told me to rest and what did you who was as tired do? You went ahead and fought someone way out of your league."

I turned my head away. "I did it to save my sister. The plan was to flee from the start. If I wanted to fight, I would've used my ability to get a couple more good hits in."

Not that they would've been enough.

Daisaru sighed and sat down on the bed. My cheeks reddened as he pet my head.

He laughed. "You really should rest now, though. I'll take care of that guy for you."

My mouse ears twitched. "Wait until you get better first."

I nodded. "Alright, but I can't wait too long." He let go of my head and stared at his hands. "My power is dwindling. If your father and I are defeat Margaret and the archdemons, we have to act now."

If only I were stronger. Time wouldn't have been much of an issue.

"What about Collin?" I asked, sitting up.

"Your father is still unsure about whether to trust him or not. Sure he was the best friend of his brother, Ratmir. But he's also the brother of Margaret."

I blinked. "My predecessor was friends with a snake?" That would be like me being friends with a cat...

"That said, I got a message from our boys," Daisaru said, raising a crystal.

"Huh? Really?" I asked, transforming back into my humanoid form. "What did they say?"

"I've yet to watch it. They left it while I was training. That's why I came here, so we could watch it together."

"What if it's an emergency? Hurry up and play it."

He nodded and tapped the crystal. Suddenly, the projection of Etsuo appeared. Man-kin waved at us. The two looked to be inside of a stone tent.

"Hey, Mom, Dad. I hope that you get this message. We just wanted to let you know that we're fine. Kiara let us use the stone that uncle Takeshi gave her."

"Yeah. Etsuo just needed to ride on her skateboard without falling off first," Man-kin said, chuckling.

Etsuo cleared his throat. "Please don't remind me. I still get chills. Anyway, other than our status, I wanted to inform you about Conrad. The Zionians managed to get him back from the demons. Though, he's currently unconscious."

How did they defeat Ifrit? Had Serrano succeeded in reaching Conrad, unlike their mother?

"Uh, I was also hoping to learn how Roa was doing. If you can, please send a message to the crystal I'm calling you from. Dine would be as happy to know as the two of us," Etsuo spoke up after a moment of silence.

"What else do we have to inform them about?" Man-kin asked, glancing at his brother.

Etsuo scratched his head. "I think that's everything." He turned his eyes back to the crystal and smiled. "Take care, Mom, Dad. I'm not sure if we'll see each other again, but know that I love you."

Man-kin wrapped an arm around Etsuo's neck and leaned toward the crystal. "Me too! Hope that we can return home sooner than we think."

Tears drip down both boys' faces. "Bye, Mom, Dad," the two said in unison before the projection ended.

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