Episode 72: Lightning Doesn't Strike Twice

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I returned to the lab and stared at my son.

"Daddy," Sowk said, turning around. "Row's waking up!"

My youngest son waddled over to his big brother's tank. "Looks the same."

I eyed the crystal too. "Ducky's right, it doesn't look any different."

Daiyu knelt down and patted our daughter's head. "I know that you want to see Row awake again, but saying it won't make it come true."

She pouted. "I'm not lying!" Look!"

My eyes widened as a horn emerged from the crystal. A little black unicorn formed and became bigger and bigger. It was as if we were witnessing Roa's lifecycle anew.

"Roa!" Daiyu yelled, raising to her feet.

"You were right!" Ducky exclaimed.

Sowk puffed our her chest and chuckled. "Of course I was."

How did she figure it out? Foresight like my dad and older siblings?

Sowk pushed Ducky away. "Get back!"

Daiyu, she, and I jumped away. The next moment, Roa's horn shattered the tank. A wave of red water spilled out of the cracks like a hose. Glass went flying toward where we had stood.

Roa leaned forward, falling. He reverted back to his human form as he fell.

Daiyu jumped forward, catching him while using her wings to avoid stepping on the glass.

Glass cuts weren't a big deal for us, but getting splinters of it was a different story.

"Brother!" Ducky yelled, flying over to his mom and Roa. He grabbed a tablecloth and draped it over his naked brother.

Daiyu wrapped the cloth around our son as if he were a baby. She smiled at his sleeping face and pushed his wet hair away from his eyes. My wife jumped as they slowly opened.

"M-Mom?" Roa asked, weakly. He turned to look at his siblings and me.

"Row!" Sowk yelled, spreading her arms out.

"Sow, Ducky."

I crossed my arms. "Am I chopped chicken liver?" I asked, shaking my head.

His golden eyes looked up at me. "Dad." He looked away. "T-thanks for saving me."

I grinned. "Why so shy?" Though, I asked that, I knew the answer. Roa rarely thanked people. Not even his mom.

"I-It's nothing."

Daiyu snuggled him. "It's alright. Just rest."

"Mom, you're embarrassing me! I'm not a foal anymore."

"You'll always be my little foal."

Roa sighed.

Kural and Sowk chuckled.

"S-shut up, Ducky, Sow!" Roa snapped.

"Let's take you to your room. You can get changed there."

Roa sighed as he stared at the tablecloth. "Wish I could make clothes out of darkness like Aster can."

"Me too," I said, nodding my head.

"For you it's for narcissistic reasons," Daiyu said.

He grinned.

Ducky turned to look at me. "But Papa, you always seem to wear the same thing."

I scratched the side of my face. "True, but I could easily change stuff up."

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