Episode 90: Cianio Strikes Back!

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I glanced up at the sky

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I glanced up at the sky. Mommy had gone ahead to check out something 'fishy'. The portal she and Plu took to get here had glowed strangely. Hopefully it wasn't a demon.

I sighed. Naoru went to get some carrots, but was taking too long. Same went for Plu who said she was only going to go get a snack. I laughed. Knowing my auntie, she was likely stuffing herself.

"There you are, my bunny," a voice called out. My body tensed up. A green-haired girl approached me, holding her hand out.

"Who are you?" I asked, stepping back as she reached for my face.

She gave me a toothy smirk. "Call me Kushi."

I moved my head away as she tried to kiss me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to escape her grip.

"Showing you my affection, of course. I came here to get you back."

My eyes widened. Back? She wasn't one of the abysmals that I knew. Plus, Mom and Plum were here, so why would Grandpa send someone here? Was she with Margaret instead? Wait, I saw her in Ifrit's memories.

"I'm not going with a demon!" I yelled, pushing her off of me.

She sighed. "I didn't want to do this the hard way."

I gasped for air as a thin tail wrapped around my neck. How did she move so quick?

"Unhand Conrad, witch!" a voice rang out from my sheathed knife.

Kushi's eyes widened. "That annoying angel returned to you? Thought I gave that weapon to Margaret to dispose of."

Margaret had it? How did it get into Yuko's hands? Wait, she gave it away?

I grimaced as more memories flashed before my head. "Y-you're not Kushi," I said, grabbing her tail. "You're Anestarte!"

She smiled. "Kushina is my true name, well, prior to the split."

My rosary seemed to shake at the mention of the name. Hanketsu, he was close to her while he was still alive.

Wait, was that why she was calling me her bunny? She carried on Kushina's lingering feelings. But, then, did that mean that all that she felt for my past life was lust and not love?

"Now, are you going to continue holding on to my tail? There are better parts of you to grab than that, you know? But if that's what you're into then that's fine too."

I quickly let go of her tail.

"Leave me alone! I'm not going with you!"

She chuckled and jumped at me. "Aww, why are you mad, Bunny? Though, you are cute when you're angry too. Especially when you were fighting Eiichi."

I gasped. "You were watching?"

The demoness snickered. "Of course! I thought of popping up and hounding the guy, but decided not to. Wanted to see what he would do without me. You really let go of your grudge a lot easier than I expected. That guy is a bigger monster than us demons. He even tried to take advantage of your cousin Rosa."

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