Episode 34: Help

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I wiped my brow with the back of my gloved hand as I set down a pile of boards at the town plaza. It took me awhile to clear it of debris, but I had managed to do it.

Had to wait for Sir Hideaki before I could continue. He was a smart guy that even one's enemies could respect. It felt a little weird to help out the Makkuroyama, though, after having hated them for the last nine years of my life.

"Need some help?" a voice called out.

I spun around and saw my younger adopted sister smiling at me. Behind her was her sister, my former boss.

"Princesses, what brings you here?" I asked, lowering my arms.

"What do you think?" Setsuko asked with a playful smile. "We're here to help!"

I averted my gaze. This was the first time I had gotten to speak to her properly since our argument in the dungeon several weeks ago. Though, those weeks felt like forever.

"I appreciate it, but I can take care of it," I said, turning around.

"Nao, you can't fix a town by yourself, let us help," Rosa said, running over.

I stared at her in the eyes. "No offense, but would you be much help? You aren't exactly the most physically inclined."

Rosa crossed her arms. "Is that any way to speak to your sister?"

I laughed slightly. "I'm adopted."

Rosa scoffed and took a hand of my dust covered hands. "Maybe, but we're still siblings even if they're no blood ties."

I sighed. "If you say so."

I knew there was no winning against either of the princesses.

Setsuko crossed her arms. "You've changed, Naoru."

My eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

The crown princess snickered. "You were a lot colder and stuck up. Now, you seem gentler. Though, I also feel that your spirit has been deflated. Did the fight that occured here humble you?"

I pulled my hands away from Rosa's grasp. "You could say that. It made me realize how weak I really am. While I managed to redeem myself for being unable to stop the spies at the palace by apprehending them here, I am not sure if I'll be able to stop that fox guy."

Setsuko put a hand on her hips and took a deep breath. "That really doesn't sound like the Naoru I know. How can you give up already after one fight?"

I gasped. She was right, I had given up too quickly.

The edges of up lips curled upward. "You have a point. I shouldn't be moping around. I have a lot of training to do! But first, I have to finish this." I turned my attention back to the pile of boards.

"Let us help, it'll be quicker that way," Rosa said, picking up one of the boards.

"Alright, but we actually can't start until the duke gets here. He has the schematics for the reconstructed town."

Rosalba pouted as she out down the board.

"Why are you excited about doing manual labor anyway? You're a princess," I asked.

Rosa laughed. "It's because I am one that I'm excited. While I've cooked and such, haven't had the opportunity to do manual labor."

"So, it's the thrill of a new experience," Setsuko said, snickering.

Rosa nodded. "Yeah! I want to try new things while I can."

Even if to most it was mundane, to her it was like the world was opening up. The king sure sheltered her from the hardships of life.

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