Episode 33: Family Talk

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I sighed as Eiichi ran off. Wished that I could've done more for him. If my town didn't need fixing, I would've volunteered to train with him.

"Please keep an eye on him," I said, turning to look at Sabine.

Sabine smiled. "Was planning to anyways."

"Do you like him?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Sabine's cheeks turned bright red. "I... Well, I'm not sure. I barely met him, so it might be a little too early to say. But he is important to me."

How lucky, Eii has a girl who cares for him that much. Here I thought she was simply another of his flings.

Wonder if I would ever find someone who cared for me the way she cared for Eiichi.

"Why are these tents here anyway?"

"Oh, yeah. You guys who went to Xeleria don't know." I lowered my head. "My town got destroyed."

She gasped. "By who?"

I turned my back to her. "A certain pesky fox."

Sabine gasped. "Another one?"

I shook my head and walked on ahead. "No, it's the same one it seems."

"How? Didn't your brother take him with with him?"

Inlowered my head. "I thought so too. I'm still not sure how he made it back, but maybe it's a blessing in disguise."

"A blessing? Oh, I get it. If Satoru is alive then there's a chance that Dan made it out too!"

I nodded. "Yeah. I need to find out where he is, but to do that, I have to locate and capture Satoru first."

"Do you think you'll be able to do it?" Sabine asked, running over to me.

"I'm much stronger now and have a ton of new tricks too. I think I'll be able to take him down."

"No. I meant hold back."

My eyes widened. She had a point there. Would I be able to stop myself if I met him?

I sighed. "I'll try. Plus, killing him would mean letting him off easy."

"Hideo, don't talk like that. Seeking revenge leads one down the path of darkness. Don't walk the demon road. Both your cousin and Eiichi could barely come back from it and that thanks to the help of others."

"I'm not dumb to let myself become a demon."

Sabine placed a hand on the center of her chest. "Demons aren't dumb. They find ways to worm into a persons heart, even making their victim think they're in control when in reality they are not."

I lowered my eyes. "Maybe you're right, but I can't bring myself to forgive him for what he did."

"No one is asking you to forgive him. Just, don't drown in your rage or you'll become blinded by it."

I laughed and turned around. "Hey, I have better than twenty-twenty vision!" I pointed at my eyes.

Sabine smiled. "At least you can joke, must mean you haven't been submerged completely."

I snickered. She reminded me a bit of a mom.

She patted me on the shoulder. "Just be sure to keep your head above water." With those words, she walked in the direction Eiichi had gone off to.

Eiichi sure is lucky to have a level-headed girl like her by his side. Wonder if we could find out more about her by learning how Satoru escaped from the pit.

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