Episode 41: An Old 'Friend'

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"Damn it," Mammon said, slamming the barrier with multiple stones

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"Damn it," Mammon said, slamming the barrier with multiple stones. They crumbled soon after.

"You're finished, Mammon!" Osamu yelled.

She laughed. "Y-you can't kill us."

"That's not our aim," I said as I held Hyoryu tightly. My vision became foggier than before.

Rosa poured some energy into me. It was the energy she had taken from Ifrit, but it was purified. Sadly, it wasn't much. She must've used most of it to heal herself earlier or she couldn't cleanse much of it.

King Osamu laughed. "Seems that absorbing their angelic halves really did backfire on them. We're lucky. Sadly, we don't have a way to seal them," he said, mumbling the last part.

Tetsuya rubbed his stomach. "Yeah. I might've been a goner if that wasn't the case." His eyes shifted to his shield. "That dark slash narrowly avoided my shield's core, but I don't think that was a mistake."

I raised an eyebrow at his stomach. Apart from a slight scar, it was fine. How was he able to heal this fast against a demonic wound. He said that he was late because he had to recover from being impaled in the gut by a demon. Wait, could it be he was becoming immune to demonic corruption? He had fought demon-Suzuki, Satoru, demon-Eiichi, Bylet, and Ifrit.

"You can't hold us for long!" Mammon growled.

"Why do you look like Piedad?" Rosa asked, getting closer. She glared at the demon.

Tetsuya grabbed the princess and pulled her away. "Don't get too close. Also, keep your composure around them."

Ifrit chuckled as he looked up at Tetsuya. "Funny to hear you say that. You've always been one to be driven by your emotions. Last we met, you got mad at me for diving into your past."

Tetsuya flinched at this remark. "You have Hanketsu's memories?"

Ifrit chuckled as he placed a hand over Conrad's exposed core. "I am Hanketsu. This is me as a fallen angel."

"Then, I'll free you," Tetsuya said with stern eyes.

Ifrit's eyes widened. "You..." He gripped his head and laughed. "What a funny man. How can you save me? There's no salvation for one like me."

Yuko gritted her teeth. "Yes there is. If you believe in the Sky Father and give up your evil ways, you'll be saved!"

Ifrit closed his eyes. "Father... He's the reason I'm in this state. If he hadn't intervened during the reunification, all of you would be dead by now."

Tetsuya grinned. "We really owe him one in that case."

Ifrit raised his head and scowled. "How can you smile like that? Are you stupid? You should've sunk into despair long ago!"

Tetsuya glanced at his shield. "I did, but a little bit. Thankfully, I had Yuko to pull me out of that."

Yuko blushed.

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