Episode 62: Sparks Fly!

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I glanced over my shoulder. What was taking Eiichi so long?

"You've changed, cuz," Borasco said, looking forward.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What's with that all of a sudden?"

He smiled and shook his head. "You know me, sometimes I say my thoughts aloud."

I furrowed my brow. He wasn't being his usual dumb self.

"I see."

He patted me on the back, pushing me down.

"Hey!" I yelled, glancing up at him. "Want me to splatter on the ground, you oaf?"

He grinned. "Don't worry about me."

I grumbled. "Who says that I'm worried about you?"

He crossed his arms and flew down to me. "I might not be the brightest lightbulb, but I can tell when people are anxious."

Had no idea that Bora was similar to Kohri beyond them both being on the not so bright side.

"I am, but not about you. It's my brother that I'm concerned about. He's nowhere to be seen. I'm not even sure he followed after us."

Bora sighed. "You're not cute at all."

I grumbled. He sounded like my big brother now!

"Who asked you?"

He smirked. "Anyway, don't worry about Eii. That guy will come. He's probably talking with Four-eyes and Lev or something."

What did my brother have to discuss with them?

"I can tell that Eii is worried about who the heir will be."

"Yeah, we talked about it on the way over to the hospital. He's worried about Eisuke being the one Capitolinus would choose."

"I mean you too."

I sighed. "Yeah, but like I keep telling him, I can fend for myself."

"Well, he is a big brother. Can't fault him for worrying about you."

It was odd to see him worry so visibly given our difficult relationship in the past. But it was also nice for the same reason.

Suddenly, a bolt of electricity blitzed past us.

"Seems that Four-eyes overestimated your speed," my brother said as he glanced over his shoulder. "He expected you to arrive in the village by now."

How could he be so fast despite training as long as he had? Not to mention last night's beatdowns. Was it thanks to the mana training he did in Munil?

Bora chuckled. "Told you not to worry, Cuz. Eii is as energetic as ever."

Brother shrugged. "Come in, you make me sound like a hyper person."

"You were as a kid."

Brother smiled at our cousin. "Never as much as you."

I flew forward, ignoring their compliment-fest. Or at least I thought it was one.

My feet touched down on the outskirts of town.

Eii and Bora dropped down soon after.

My brother moved his head side to side. "So, which of you will be first?"

Bora raised his hand. "I will."

I smirked. "What happened to your confidence from earlier? Thought you said that you wanted to fight us together."

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