Episode 70: Denial, Anger, and Acceptance

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"Hey, guys," I said, entering my little brother's nursery room.

"Ei-ei!" my three-year-old brother said, waddling over to me. He raised a toy robot at me and beamed. "Emi and I made robo!"

"I helped too!" a black haired girl with indigo eyes said as she zoomed over to us.

"You were mostly doing your own thing, Lena," Emika said, chuckling.

Lena pouted. "Maybe, but I still helped."

"Wanna see what robo can do?" Eiya asked.

I patted my little brother's head and smiled slightly. "Maybe later. Mom returned. She wishes to see us."

"Mommy's back? Mommy!" My brother ran off, leaving behind a literal trail of dust.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Lena yelled, bolting after him.

"Is something the matter, sis?" Emika asked, tilting her head at me.

I lowered my head. "Can't say for sure, but I get the sense that there is. Mom, she was acting strange."

Emika took a deep breath and walked away. "Let's go."

I nodded and followed after her.

"What happened to him?" Eisuke could be heard from below.

"What's going on?" Emika said, speeding up.

We found Eiya and Lena crouching by the stairs, overhearing Mom and Eisuke's conversation.

"Tell me," Eisuke asked. He stepped closer to Mom.

She flinched and turned away. "I told you, once all of you are here."

I stepped down the stairs. "We're here. Unless you want me to go fetch Eita and Eiichi. Not that I know where they are."

"Mommy," Eiya said, escaping Lena's grasp. "Mommy! Where's Daddy?" 

Mom's lip quivered. She walked away. "H-he's not coming."

Eisuke gasped.

The pit in my stomach grew deeper than it already was.

"What do you mean?" Lena asked, hands trembling.

"It means Dad's dead," a voice called out. We all turned to see Eiichi emerge from a vortex with an expressionless look on his face. Eita and Bora followed behind him, their eyes were downcast. It was odd to see my cousin sad. He was usually happy or angry like an idiot.

Eita made the same pained look as Mom. "Eii, couldn't you have been more a little less blunt?"

Lena shook her head. "No. No! That can't be! You're lying, big brother!" She stepped back. "Stop lying! I know that you dislike Daddy, but this is going too far!"

Eiichi looked to the side. "I wish I were."

"He's telling the truth," Mom said.

I put a hand over my mouth. It had been as I feared.

Eiya glanced at Lena. "Dead? What does that mean?"

"I-It means he's gone. Forever," Lena mumbled as she curled into a ball on the ground.

To be honest, I felt like doing the same. But as the third oldest, I had to be strong, for the little ones. Yet, no words left my mouth as I simply watched my siblings' reactions.

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