Episode 92: 'Angel' of Void

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"Conrad!" I yelled, shooting beams at the demon boy

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"Conrad!" I yelled, shooting beams at the demon boy. While the guy avoided them, it at least caused my frozen cousin to move.

Setsuko rushed over and grabbed our cousin. "Conrad, what's with that deer stuck in the headlights reaction?" she asked, bringing him over to us.

I looked over my shoulder as I felt a cold wind come our way. Kohri intercepted the freezing gale and shot it back at the woman.

The boy smirked at us as his sphere of electricity transformed into a pure white one.

"W-what's that?" I asked.

My sister furrowed her brow. "Not entirely sure, but it's pushing away the mana around it, creating a void akin to Munil," she said. "Everyone, allow me to handle this!"

"Huh? How do you plan to?" Ximena yelled.

Setsuko chuckled. "I've got something figured out. Take care of Conrad for me, Sis."

I grabbed him. He was shaking. What frightened him so much?

"Does she mean that or is that the usual family bravado speaking?" Onami asked.

"Huh? Usual bravado?" I asked, turning to look at her as she and Yuko grabbed the woman with their sand.

"Yeah, Conrad would often try to put up a brave face even when he was scared." Onami reached her hand toward him but pulled back, returning her gaze to the ice mage.

How did the demons get Xelerian allies? Wait, Tetsu said that the father of Satoru was part Xelerian. Could that lady be one of his entourage?

Ximena sighed. "Tetsu and Serra are the same way. Given Hideo is the same way, it must run in the royal bloodline."

I tilted my head. "Am I like that?"

Kohri chuckled. "Must you ask?"

He sounded like Hyo...

"You'll be the first one gone if you don't move out of the way, Princess," the boy said, laughing as he bent his arms. "Void Sphere!"

Setsuko increased her Second Heaven aura and bent the overflowing orange mana into a sphere of her own.

"Take this!" she yelled, hitting the white orb as if she were striking another marble with her own. 

The guy gasped as his sphere bent like a deflated ball before vanishing. He gritted his teeth. "How did you figure it out so quick?"

Setsuko put a hand on her hips and chuckled. "You're dealing with the mana expert of the Five Knights. If I'd decided to go the route of training my Second Heaven form, or attempting Third Heaven, I'm sure I would have the strongest transformation out of us five."

Ximena narrowed her eyes at my sister. "Now she's just bragging."

"Yeah," Onami said as the ice woman froze her and Yuko's sand. "Hey, no getting away!"

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