Episode 82: Being Together

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I stared at myself in the mirror

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I stared at myself in the mirror. Akari had picked out a green dress to match my hair.

"Worried?" Suzuki said as she put on some heels.

I nodded. "A little."

She smiled slightly and stood up. "Don't be. Our main purpose is to get the boys to relax a little."

"That's right!" I scratched my head and sighed. "We should've thought of activities..."

"Eita will probably think of something. He wants the same thing for his brother."

"True, he did tell Eiichi to rest."

Suzuki shrugged. "Only he didn't do a good job by going along with him."

I snickered. "I think that if he didn't, his cousin would've filled that spot."

She sighed. "Yeah, Borasco was alternating with them."

Whoever went to eat, Bora replaced. And then when the other person went to eat, the one who had returned fought Borasco. Likewise when they left for showers. Often it was Eita fighting Borasco as Eiichi had to do his Grand Duke stuff. Eiko offered to help him, but he didn't want to slack off early on the job.

"You girls ready?" Akari asked as she entered the room with a camera.

The two of us nodded.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Suzuki said, lifting her dress slightly.

Akari shook her head. "Suzu, try it with a little more poise, like this," she said, raising her skirt with only two fingers from each hand. "Slowly and delicately. Lifting it like you were will make poor Eita think that you're mad."

Suzuki smiled slightly. "I'll keep that in mind."

Given her short temper, she would surely make use of it.

"Hey, Akari, have you seen Suzu and Sabi? My brother and I were wonder why they went," a voice asked. Akari stepped out of the way to reveal Eita. He was adjusting his red tie. The next in line of Raiyama had wore a white suit and black pants for his date.

"S-Suzuki," Eita said, blushing as he stared at her dress.

"Hey," Suzuki said, averting her gaze.

Akari giggled as she walked over to me. "I can see what Suzuki meant earlier."

"The dog thing?" I asked.

"Dog thing?" Eita said, tilting his head.

I cupped my mouth. Why did I say that out loud?

Suzuki sighed and grabbed him by the upper arm, turning him around. "Let's get going, lover boy."

He coughed. "O-okay."

I smiled. Eita was as bad as Hide with Koukyuu. Seemed Eiichi had to give both of them lessons. Then again, maybe that was a bad idea given how flirtatious he could be. Cute Hideo and Eita were better. Though, maybe Suzuki would prefer it. Didn't get to find out her taste in men nor in stuff.

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