Episode 30: Pouring One's Feelings Out

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Kohri and the others were invited to eat dinner soon after we arrived

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Kohri and the others were invited to eat dinner soon after we arrived. I refused, however. Wasn't very hungry. Couldn't get the sight of Rosalba talking to Tetsuya out of my head. Despite her earlier anger at him, she appeared to have forgiven him yet again. She must've really loved him if she kept overlooking his actions. Or she was incredibly naïve. The latter wouldn't surprise me, she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.

I'd tried to distract my mind with some books at the library, but that wasn't enough. My eyes would stare at the text but my mind wouldn't process it.

The thing I didn't understand was why seeing the princess with Tetsuya bothered me. It really shouldn't have. If it hadn't been for Eiichi, they would've been a couple by now.

"Surprised to see you here, thought that you would be in the library," a voice called out. Much to my surprise it wasn't Kohri nor my mom, but the second princess herself. She carried a plateful of foreign food.

I smiled slightly. "It's full, are you on your second helping? You're going to become fat if you continue eating like that."

The princess puffed her cheeks. "This isn't for me! It's for you. Your mom sent me to bring it to you."

So, it was Mom's doing...

I turned away. "I am fine, not hungry. Eat it yourself, it looked like you were starving earlier when you were talking with Tetsuya and Yuko."

Her cheeks turned bring pink. "Yeah, I was." She patted her stomach. "But I'm full now."

I pressed a hand against my face and leaned against the rail as I stared at the purple sky. The final traces of sunlight were nearly gone. "That's good. Had me a little worried there."

Rosa gasped. "You were worried?"

I let go of the wooden rail and scoffed. "Of course. You're an idiot who can't take care of herself."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You're temping me to throw this food on that pretty face of yours."

I pressed a hand against my chin. "You can try, but you wouldn't hit your target."

"You sure? I've gotten faster!" Rosa said, closing the space between us.

I held out a hand and caressed her face. If I wanted to, I could've easily gotten behind her. She still had a lot of training to do.

"Hyo?" she asked. Her eyes widened as I brought my hand toward her chin.

I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. They were softer than I had imagined.

The plate hit the ground, but it didn't break nor spilled its contents as it danced on its based like a top.

Rosa's hands slammed against my chest, pushing me away. She looked up at me with watery eyes and ran back inside.

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