Episode 28: Exhaustion

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I sighed as I landed on the ground. My wings were killing me. I'd been flying for hours at sonic speeds and barely traveled across two thirds of the former eastern Grand Dukedom. Only stopped one other time to get a quick rest.

Hopefully, nothing terrible had happened back in the Makkuroyama compound. Though, my gut was telling me there was something.

"Are we almost there?" a voice called out.

I gasped and turned around to see a white-haired boy with reddish eyes smiling at me.

"Did you jump off my back just now, Alex? Wait, the real question is what are you doing here? You were supposed to stay back. Your mom must be worried sick about you!"

"It's fine. I told Nate that I was going to follow you," Alex said with a slight smile. "Plus, Amun is here."

A blue haired girl in a periwinkle dress appeared in front of me out of the blue.

"H-how did you do that?" It was as if she had stood there all this time.

Amun touched the broach on her dress and smiled. "Ezekiel's special ability allows me to mess with people's senses. Not too different from what the ones who kidnapped Dan could do."

She knew about that?

"How much were you told about the enemy?" I asked.

"Not much, but I did overhear my Dad, Ki,  and Hide discuss them. As long as one hasn't been made aware of me before hand, no one can detect me."

"Before Alex saying I was here. It broke the illusion so to speak. Likewise, he broke the one I cast on him as soon as he spoke." She leered at him. "Even though he was supposed to stay quiet."

I sighed. "Both of you, go back right now. It's too dangerous for kids like you."

Amun scoffed and puffed up her chest. "Maybe for Alex, but I'm as old as Camila and she was left behind to watch the house!"

"Oh, right. You're twins." Though, their personalities seemed so different.

"Do you feel that sis is still in danger?" Alex asked.

"No, the bad feeling in my chest is gone," Amun said, place a hand on her broach. "That said, there is a lingering doubt."

Alex tilted his head at her. "What do you mean, sis?"

"Like something did happen. But as to what that something was, I have no idea."

"I have the same feeling," I said, crossing my arms.

Alex jumped as his phone buzzed.

"Didn't I tell you to put your phone on no sound?" Amun asked. "Is it Mom again?"

They spoke with their mom? She must've done so when I stopped to rest the last time.

"No. It's Dad."


"Quick, answer!" Amun yelled.

"Okay!" Alex said. "Hello, Alex here!"

"Hey, Alex. Is everything alright?"

"Yup! Sis is a bit tired, though."

"Amun, Layla, or Dossie?"

"Amun. She's been flying around."


Amun snatched the phone from her brother. "Guess Mom hasn't told you yet, has she? Alex and I are heading to Makkuroyama. We think something bad happened back home."

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