Episode 60: Brotherly Rivalry and Love

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"Eiichi!" a voice interrupted my training

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"Eiichi!" a voice interrupted my training.

I sighed and lowered my spear. "What is it now, Ei-" My eyes widened at the sight of the gold and blue necklace in my brother's hand. "That's Capitolinus. How did you get it?"

"A little girl called Adela gave it to me." He lowered his head. "Sadly, it doesn't seem to be working for me."

I put a hand against my hip. "In that case, we should see if it'll activate for Borasco."

Eita glanced up and gasped. He pulled the necklace close to his chest like a child with their plushie when worried or scared. My brother took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright. Let's go."

That... was unexpected. Thought that he would be more hesitant than that. Eita, he has grown. Not even a year ago, all he seemed to care about was going to parties and finding a girlfriend. Now all of that appeared to be in the rear view mirror.

"Alright. Let's go see him. He should still be at the hospital."

"Huh? You're going too?" Eita asked, loosening his hold on the necklace.

I nodded. "Yeah. I mean, before I got Carlos, I was a candidate too. Wish to see which of you is truly worthy. Plus, I am worried for him. He hasn't left the hospital since Four-eyes got admitted."

"Sirrocco... It's my fault he got hurt," Eita said, gripping the necklace. "If only I had been able to put up a better match against... against..." His eyes widened.


"I-I can't recall who we fought." He walked up the hill I was training in and peered at Hideo's town. "I know he destroyed this town, but I don't remember how he looked nor his name."

I gripped my head. Hideo and I ran into him in the dungeon, but no name came to mind.

"Nor can I."

Eita grumbled. "This is so weird. How could we just forget who did something this big? Did someone tamper with our memories?"

"Without us noticing?"

He furrowed his brow. "Or they erased the memory of them doing so too."

I gritted my teeth. "It probably was the demons if we're barely talking about this."

Eita sighed. "A demon with the power to control memories... we could be in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"What if someone among us is a spy? A person they made us think is a friend."

I touched my chin. "True. We might have to review our records, just to make sure."

"Assuming their power doesn't change those too."

I sighed. This reminded me of that game with the boy with the key. A blond haired girl tampered with his memories, making him think she was his friend. In reality, they were strangers. Well, sort of as it turned out she was the doppelganger of the boy's crush. The plot was somewhat convoluted, but it was fun.

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