Episode 59: Memento Returned

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I hummed as I finished the final touches on Tetsu's poncho. It had taken quite the damage from his multiple fights. If anything, it was surprising that it didn't end up looking worse given the power of his enemies. What could it have been made out of? At first glance and touch, it appeared to be wool, but never had I seen wool this durable. Considering Dad had it made for my little brother, it must've come from a special source.

Regardless, my little brother would be so happy to have it back. He usually wore it around his waist like school kids would wear their school blazers in the hot months. Well, as a kid, he used it as a blanket and a cape too. Wonder why Dad had it made so big. It clearly wasn't intended for three-year-old Tetsu.

Getting up, I walked over to the house that Tetsu and Serra had been working. The crown princess and my cousin stood in the middle of the empty street. The two of them held their hands outward. A vortex swirled around them. Nate ran out of it and ran over to hug Alex who stood in awe behind Setsuko and Serra at the sight. My cute, cat-loving cousin followed after Nate, but quickly ran back in. 

"Why did Layla return?" I asked as got closer.

"Maybe she forgot something," Alex said as he let go of Nate.

Nate removed his backpack and opened it up. His eyes widened. The kid slapped his face and gasped. "I forgot Eli!"

"Isn't that your elephant?" Serrano asked.

Nate nodded. "Y-yeah. I-I need to go back and get Eli."

Serra held out his hand. "Alright. Setty, let's make another portal."

Setsuko nodded.

"Halt, you two!" I said, leering at them. "You're supposed to take it easy."

Serra nodded. "Yeah, after we get Nate his plushie."

Setsuko nodded. "A kid without his plushie is a sad sight. Some even do crazy stuff like jump off of vehicles for them."

"Or put their hands into fire," Serrano added.

I laughed nervously. Were they talking about their little siblings? Knew that Rosa had jumped off of a moving car to get Bear-woof, but not that Con had put his hands into a fire for Mr. Bun.

I clenched Tetsu's poncho close to my chest. "I understand, but rest a little. Okay?"

Setsuko sighed. "Fine."

Serra gave Nate an apologetic smile. "Hold up a little, kid. We'll get you back to your friend."

Nate sniffed and began to cry his eyes out. "I-I want Eli!" He closed his eyes, turned around, and slammed into his brother. Nate opened his eyes and watched in horror as Alex went flying into a ladder with bucket of paint on it. Blue paint dripped from the older brother's hair.

"I-I'm sorry!" Nate said, hands shaking.

Alex sighed and pulled the bucket off of his head. "It's fine," he said as he took globs of paint out of his hair.

"We should get that cleaned up quick," I said. My eyes scanned our surroundings for either Zafir or Marina. With their water powers, it should've been easy to wash out.

"Here," Setsuko said as she summoned a white towel from her hyper ring.

"Thanks," Alex said, wiping his head with it.

"It's not taking off," Nate mumbled.

Alex smiled at him. "Guess my hair's the same as yours for now."

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