Episode 9: Merger Complete

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I opened my eyes and gripped my murky purple core. My breathing was heavy and erratic, as if I had woken up from a nightmare, something which I was usually dishing out.

"You dare get in my way, old man?" I asked, gritting my teeth. My arms spread out as I glanced at the red moon overhead. "There's nothing that you can do to stop me! Conrad and I have become one! I've won! Now, I'm coming after your precious creation. Everything you love will be reduced to ashes that even you can't make beautiful! I swear it!"

"Sounds like you've succeeded," a voice called out. I turned around and saw Mammon stagger toward me.

My eyes widened as I saw her face. It was that of Piedad's. The boy's heart, it was reacting to it.

"Mammon, cover your face," I said, turning around.

She pulled up her hood. "The boy's not completely submerged yet?"

I curled my arms into fists. "It appears not. Our father got in the way."

She gasped. "The Sky Father was here?"

"He was in Hanketsu's soul realm. The boy's wrapped in the embrace of his shadows. But I did manage to absorb nearly all of my angelic half's soul. Still, that old fool! He seeks to always get in my way!"

"Easy now," Mammon said, touching my shoulder. "Remember what you always say, emotions are for controlling our enemies. Don't let yourself be consumed by the rage you control."

I took a deep breath and lowered my arms. "Say, why are you back so early?"

She let go of me and turned away. "That boy's father discovered me and rooted me out."

"You met Azami?" I asked, amused. It had been years since I'd seen that guy. Other than Selena and Eiichi, he helped the most to bring me to where I stood now.

"Yes. Not that kicking me out of the palace changes the situation for his beloved brother."

I smirked. "You've succeeded in making Osamu your puppet?"

She looked up at the blood-red moon and laughed. "Yes." Her smile vanished. "But, it's a fragile hold. One as thin as the strand the king's life hangs by."

"You should go and retrieve my dear uncle," I said, grinning. "As for me, maybe I should go pay that deadbeat dad of mine a visit."

Mammon held out an arm in front of me. "Don't go. Your hold on that boy is still fragile. Besides, we have a meeting to attend. Or did you forget that you delayed it to seize the chance to capture the boy?"

I sighed. "Alright. I'll go."

She placed a hand on her chest. "I suggest you hide your face too."

"What? That husk is reacting?"

"Yes. The part of her soul I absorb contains her affection for that boy."

I laughed. "How ironic. We're the ones who split them up, and we're the ones who bring them back together."

"Well, our souls are bound. The sin and the righteous."

"Spare me the destiny talk." I tapped my head. "Remember, our job is to override fate. Or have you forgotten what our prophesized outcome is?"

"Right. That's why we've chosen to ally ourselves with that woman." She crossed her arms. "But is she truly trustworthy? She did betray her own people."

"Funny hearing you ask that since we did the same."

She rubbed her head. "Seems that this girl's feelings are getting to me."

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