Episode 19: Demonic Plot

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"Look at what the cat dragged in," a voice called out as I exited the teleportation room after reforming. It was a black-haired guy with deep red eyes and the appearance of a teenager. "What happened to you taking care of all of the doves by yourself? Don't worry. You likely will only get a demotion for this failure."

I glared at the guy. A snicker escaped my lips. "Mocking me to make yourself feel better about your own loss? Eh, Camio? At least I didn't lose at full power like a certain someone I know."

Camio's pale cheeks reddened. "Wait, you didn't go all out?"

I placed a finger on his lips and smirked. "I didn't. This time, I simply wanted to gauge what it is we're be up against. Most of them aren't anything special, but there are a couple out there like the ones who did you in."

Camio let out an angry sigh. "I'll get my revenge on them. Dad will then see that he was right to put his trust in me."

I patted his shoulder and giggled. "Still a daddy's boy, I see."

He slapped my hand away. "Shut up!"

I snorted. "What a kid."

He reached out and grabbed my arm. "Hey, I'm not a kid!"

I caressed his hot face. "Then prove it by killing those who wronged you, dear."

"I will," he said, staring at me with intense eyes.

I smiled and let go of him. "Well, I'm off to report to my boss."

Camio averted his gaze as he continued to hold on to me. "Can't that wait? I wanted to talk some more to you."

I grabbed his right horn and chuckled. He really did act as old as he looked. "Sorry, dear. You know how your mom is about timely reporting."

He clicked his tongue and let go of me. "Alright. Don't want Mom to pester me about not letting one of her workers do her job right."

I patted his chest and giggled. "There, there. Don't look so glum, old chap! We can go to the cafeteria and have tea later."

One of his fangs poked out as his lips curled into an awkward but cute smile. "Okay, I'll be waiting," he said, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

I waved and ran off. He still needed to grow up a lot more, but Camio was a great guy to talk to.

I gasped as I saw a door deeper in the hall open. It was Bylet's room. I poked my head in and saw that he was in a tank on his bed, covered in a red fluid.

"What happened to you?" I asked, closing the door behind.

Bylet directed his eyes at me and groaned. "Why did they leave the door open?"

I giggled. "What? Didn't want me to see you in this state?"

"Don't you have a job to do?"

"Oh, right. I have to file a report with Mammon."

"Well, you probably won't find her in her office right now. She and the other bosses are in a meeting."

I rubbed the side of my neck. Then I could've had that tea with Camio after all.

He rose from the crimson water, shirtless. "So, how did your job go?"

I turned away. Great, he didn't know. I could avoid a repeat of the situation with Camio.

"It went well! I got some important information?" I said, looking over my shoulder.

I smiled. "Liar. I can see it in your eyes, plus you don't have your pipe on you. You lost as badly as Camio and me, didn't you?"

[Completed] Legend of the Five Knights IV: Fated Holy Warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن