Episode 27: Possibilities

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I glanced at Silas as we walked toward the beach.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"What do you care?" he asked, turning his head away. "You took Dan away."

I bit my lip. Bad idea to have asked.

"I thought he would be better off if he went with Kiara. Dan might've died of worry for her. He tried to commit suicide not long after your aunt kidnapped him."

"Don't call that woman my aunt again. She and his children are as much to blame," Silas said in a unusually calm tone. It was as if he put all of the emotions that had spilled out earlier back into their bottle.

"Alright, I won't," I said, striding forward.

My eyes widened as a hand grabbed my arm. "Did you help your cousin recruit mine?"

"Wait, thought you didn't-"


I shook my head. "I honestly had no idea. I was surprised to see Reno turn on Serrano and Setsuko."

"Mei seemed to know," Kiara said.

"Roa must've told her Reno was a double spy when they came up with their rescue plan."

Kiara sighed. "If only Reno had stayed unconscious like Suzuki. Then you wouldn't have escaped."

"Who knows, Roa was on his way to rescue me. He probably would've killed you four to save me."

Kiara gulped. "He would?"

"He did kill members of Serrano's team without remorse. Even Serra, who he knew better, wouldn't have been spared. At least if it wasn't for Grandfather telling him, Satoru, Reno, and Man-kin to bring him back alive. Man-kin probably wouldn't have hurt him to begin with, but the other three were prepared."

"Reno was a rebel. He probably killed before meeting Team Setsuko in Abyssia," Kiara said, averting her gaze. "There have been stories of them killing post-civil war appointed dukes or at least attempting to. Dad was the latter."

"True, Suzuki wanted to kill Rosa, but that might've been the demon talking," I said.

"Demon? Brother didn't tell me about any people possessed by them," Marina said, eyes wide.

"Makes sense, he wasn't there either time," I said.

The smell of salt filled the air the closer we got to it. Bluish waters struck against the sandy beach. It felt weird seeing a beach that didn't lead to an endless black void.

"You okay, my monkey?" Dine asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and shook my head. "I'm fine. It's just, this place made me think of when Roa and me went to the beach before the festival. We ran into Satoru there. Maybe if we had played with him, he wouldn't have done that to you."

Dine put her hands on her hips. "You think that would've made a difference? Satoru hated us to begin with. In his eyes, we're the reason Roa abandoned him."


She hugged me. "Now, stop thinking of what-ifs. Remember what we talked about when we first met up again. Thinking of how things would be if we had done something different doesn't change anything."

I averted my gaze. "I know." My cheeks reddened. "Now, can you let go of me? You're pressing Kiara's chest against me."

"What chest?" Silas asked.

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