Chapter 48

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After saying these words, Xiansheng's heart completely calmed down.

His eyes are also very calm and calm.

It was wrong from the beginning, and now it's time to set things right. While Zhan Zhen still has some tenderness, after he died, he probably wouldn't be able to tell his gender.

When my elder brother returned the letter, he would be prepared, and Qin Yi knew that he was dead, so he would also join forces with Nanliang.

And Zhan Zhen...After he avenged his humiliation and calmed down, he would never send troops rashly. After all, with Qin Yi, Dajin wouldn't get any benefit.

Besides, the contract with the pro is still there.

Both countries need to cultivate and nourish health, and there will be peace for a long time.

Zhan Zhen pinched the long knife at his waist, shaking all over. Putting aside the grievances of the family and the country, Xiansheng felt sorry for humiliating him so much by just taking two people.

The blade was slowly pulled out–

Xiansheng closed his eyes.

He hoped that Zhan Zhen would not play with his head, because if he was really a god, he might be sad to see this scene in the sky.


There was a loud noise.

Zhan Zhen pushed back the blade and hit the table with a fist. He didn't use any internal force. The pear wood table was smashed to pieces, his chest was up and down, and his breathing was like a furious beast. He hung his head, and his hands were on the table. A drop of water stains fell on the cracked desktop.

The room was silent, and the breathing seemed particularly heavy.

The expected pain did not come, Xiansheng slowly opened his eyes, looking at Zhan Zhen's back, and said: "Zhan Zhen...Kill me."

"You said..." Zhan Zhen said, "Is it like a dog wagging its tail in your eyes alone?"

Xiansheng lowered his eyelashes for a long time before saying: "I have no choice but to..."

"You can't help but..." Zhan Zhen turned his back to him and smiled weirdly: "Because you can't help but wear something fake and real to let the lonely dog ​​lean on your chest to chew, are you in your heart? Laughing wildly, grandly promoted to the future prince, being pinched by you in the palm of your hand, are you thinking that Zhan Zhen actually has such a funny side...Xiansheng, why do you let loneliness stand, how do you let loneliness face you?!"

His tone was excited, and his voice trembled.

Xiansheng explained: "I never thought about that."

"But you did that." Zhan Zhen calmed his disintegrating emotions. He turned to look at Xiansheng and said: "You gave the lone medicine back, so that the lone had sex with the same man without knowing it... This is such a shameful shame. , Do you think that loneliness just killed you, can you relieve your hatred?"

Xiansheng's face turned pale, and he squeezed his fingers. From Zhan Zhen's words, he felt disgust, humiliation, and possibly nausea. Suddenly a flame rose in Xiansheng's gray heart. He wanted to die, but he didn't want to see him say such things, but Zhan Zhen wanted to tell him.

He looked at Zhan Zhen quietly, and said: "On the day of the castle tower, the first time I met, I was a men's wear."

"Your maid calls you princess..."

"You have no eyes." Xiansheng stared at him unblinkingly, regardless of his ugly face: "The day when the contract was not reached, I will write to you asking you to choose other princesses in Nanliang. I am one."

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