Jason lands and untangles himself. The boys continue to sprint.

Something lands next to Nico and he barely dodges. He lands on the ground and then stands back up to continue running only tor find Jason and Percy had stopped doubled over in laughter.

"What?" Nico asks angrily. Jason only points to Nico's rear end in response. Nico frowns and looks over his shoulder. To see a pink curly tail sticking out of his black jeans.

Nico gives a yelp and draws his sword. "That's it!"

"Kill them tomorrow," Jason argues gripping Nico's arm. "We're almost there."

"Stupid Lou Ellen, and her stupid pig balls," Nico growls before turning around and running once again.

Other campers poke their heads out of their cabins.

"Go! Go! Go!" They cheer. They soon stop as a large explosion goes off. The boys risk looking back to find the Ares cabin now a bright pink and covered in make up. The Aphrodite cabin is now covered in weapons.

They look ahead and keep running. Ignoring the loud shouts behind them.

After what feels like forever they reach the safety of the trees.

"Call her," Nico pants out of breath. Percy nods and whistles. They wait a moment but no hełl hound appears. Percy whistles again. Nothing. Again. Nothing.

"Where is she?" Jason asks.

"Distracted." The three boys stiffen as the are surrounded by Hermes campers. They draw their weapons and stand back to back facing their enemies.

"Seriously Perce?" Travis asks. "You don't give us enough credit. Mrs. O'Leary is..... occupied at the moment."

"What did you do to her?" Percy growls.

Connor shakes his head. "You should be asking what are we going to do to you." He raises his hand and grenade of some sort in it.

The three boys raised their weapons but they're surrounded.

"You truly think you can beat us," Jason chuckles feigning confidence.

Nico plays along. "You have the Big Three right here... You truly want to try and challenge us?"

The Stolls stand their ground but some of the other kids shift their weight from foot to foot uneasily.

"Come on," Connor rolls his eyes. "Would they have been running away if were actually going to face us?"

The campers exchange looks and in that moment Percy releases an earthquake as Jason lifts Nico in the air to avoid the shock.

Hermes campers fall over dropping their supplies. Fireworks and other things go off. Causing a mess.

Jason and Nico land and sprint back toward the cabins having no where else to go.

"Seaweed Brain!"

The boys stop running as they nearly collide with Annabeth and Piper.

"You three are stupider than I thought," Annabeth sighs shaking her head.

"We were going to call Mrs. O'Leary," Percy explains,"and then head for Camp Jupiter."

"But they did something and she didn't show up," Jason continues.

"Without us?" Piper says eyebrow raised and arms crossed.


"I see where I stand."

"Well uh- you have whole cabins to watch...." Percy says.

Annabeth rolls her eyes. "Seaweed Brain did you- Nico....? Do you have a tail?"

Nico who had previously turned around to sneak away froze his hands flung behind him to cover the tail. His faced flushed red.

"I'm not gonna ask," Piper says.

"Come on," Annabeth says walking away.

"Where are we going?" Percy asks.

"The one place the Hermes Cabin wouldn't be. We were gonna scout it or before heading back to get our own cabins."

The boys having no better plan follow the girls.

"The Hermes Cabin?" Jason blinks as they arrive at their destination.

"Makes sense," Nico says. "They're busy pranking others."

Piper opens the door. Inside pieces and scraps of- everything lie on the floor. Prank blueprints there. Tools over there. Prototypes next to that bed.

"Good," Annabeth nods. "We'll go get our cabins. Be right back."

Annabeth and Piper leave and the boys sit awkwardly waiting.

"Something isn't right," Nico states shaking his head.

"What?" Percy asks.

"Half the Cabin was after us. Now they're just gone. They basically disappeared... Once we started talking to the girls...."

Nico's eyes widen.

Percy shakes his head. "No. They wouldn't. Would they?" The boys glance at each other before running to the door finding it held shut but something heavy outside.

Three grenade type things roll in.



When Percy woke up everything seemed huge. He was on a table in the infirmary. So why was everyone huge?

"Seaweed Brain your awake!" A huge Annabeth comes forward. To Percy's surprise she picks him up in her hands.

"Aww. You're such a great guinea pig."

Percy gave a cry us surprise but it came out as a weird squeak.

Annabeth carries Percy behind a curtain. On one bed is pig. Percy isn't quite sure if pigs could glare but if they good that one definitely was.

Annabeth sets Percy the Guinea Pig down next to the glaring pig.

"Nico stop glaring," Annabeth sighs. "You're making to Apollo cabin uncomfortable." The pig squeals in return.

"Jason, come out from under the blanket," Piper's voice says. Next to Nico the pig is a quivering form under a blanket. Piper pulls the blanket off to reveal a creature the size of a pig. It has a pig tail, ears, and snout but the rest is a light brown guinea pig. A hybrid. A pig guinea pig.

"I say this was a success," Travis comments.

"Agreed," Connor nods.

"You two better hold up your side of the deal," Annaeth warns.

"No more harm to Athena or Aphrodite cabin, on April first for as long as we live," They say in unison. "We swear on our Book of Pranks."

Happy (April) Hermes Fools Everyone! :D

Thanks to my IRL bestie Barnrat for helping me write this! (This is what we do during our english class, don't judge)


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