water fights

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Just a normal, cute story about a water fight...totally...yes




There are days when the summer sun is too relentless in its heat. Armour becomes a nightmare to wear, it's like wearing a portable oven. Don't even get me started on the two layers of chain mail and their clothes underneath that. So for a few fleeting days Arthur takes pity on his soldiers. Behind the training grounds lies a small stream, deep enough to swim in but with a terribly weak current ensuring everyone's safety.

Instead of training Arthur would send them on laps of the stream. These so-called 'training sessions' turned into races and then, like every game would, descended into chaos.
It would seem Gwaine was always the instigator in these water fights, splashing anyone who crossed his path or even pulling them under.

"Gwaine stop fucking around this is supposed to be hard." Arthur snapped from the shore as he watched Gwaine tackle Percival's legs, consequently taking down the man.

"We have been 'training' for hours Princess. Give us a break!" Gwaine made sure to use air quotes because no one ever really considered this training. The word was simply there to please the King who Arthur was sure would forbid this if he found out it's true purpose.

"You know what I give up. Do what you want, I don't care." Arthur threw his hands up in the air and slumped against the grassy bank. Merlin laughed from his spot under a tree, the only source of shade in the clearing. Being a servant meant he was forced to watch his friends mess around whilst he completed his chores.

He had long since shed his jacket, but the sleeves of his tunic remained down and his neckerchief secured tightly around his neck. Arthur eyed Merlin worriedly as the servant wiped his brow, the heat obviously getting to him.

"Why don't you join us Merls?" Trust Gwaine to be the one to ask. He was never one for rules - if you couldn't tell already. Merlin's head jerked up and he looked almost scared at the thought. No, not scared. Ashamed.

"Nah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look ready to pass out mate." Percival persisted, swimming up to the raised back and leaning his elbows on it. Merlin shook his head adamantly and pushed himself further into the tree.

Elyan and Gwaine looked at each other and nodded. They launched themselves on to the bank, grabbing hold of Merlin's ankles. As they slid back into the water they dragged Merlin along.

"No no no! I can't swim, stop." It was too late. Merlin fell into the water, his thrashing bringing Gwaine down with him. They broke the surface coughing and spluttering, Merlin glaring daggers at Gwaine.

"That was not funny." He snapped gripping onto the grass for dear life despite the water coming up to his waist. When he noticed the stares he quickly jumped out of the water and turned to Arthur.

"I should probably run those errands for Gaius, Sire. If that's okay with you." Arthur nodded, unable to form a proper sentence. Merlin never asked for permission for anything. Let alone use the proper modes of address. What the hell just happened.

Merlin disappeared into the trees heading back to the castle. The Knights remained silent for a while after the servant left. There was a hostility in his voice that they had never heard before. Especially directed at Gwaine. The two were practically inseparable (not to the extent of Merlin and Arthur but their bond was a close second.)

Gwaine looked like a wounded animal, staring at the spot Merlin was standing with utter confusion.

"What was that about?" Leon said what everyone was thinking. No one could fathom an answer.

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