Eyes like burning gold

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TW: alludes to r@pe so if that triggers you please don't read xx




Arthur’s anniversary is always a bittersweet occasion. The young King often slips away from the festivities to pay respect to his father, as this day marks the fall of a King.

Arthur understands that his rule is far more inclusive and respective than Uther’s ever was, but that doesn't stop the young King from mourning his passing. No matter how ruthless in his pursuit of magic and tyrannical a King he was, Uther was Arthur’s father. That is a bond that once broken leaves a scar none can mend.

These past years Merlin has always waited at the door for Arthur. The warlock’s presence calmed him immensely, bringing an aura of peace to the morbid room. However, as Arthur kneels at the base of the stone coffin all he feels is emptiness.

Merlin isn’t here.

Something is wrong.


Merlin backs himself into the corner of the pantry as the serving girl approaches with a seductive smile plastered to her lips. He had been on his way to the kitchens to prepare food for the King, knowing he would be spending the night in Uther’s tomb.

Out of nowhere the girl jumped from the shadows and pounced on him like a lioness on her prey. Merlin had no chance to use his magic or even fight back physically before he was restrained and dragged into the pantry.

The girl had thought everything through, even down to the magic proof cuffs probably stolen from the dungeons. Just as Merlin was about to scream for help, the girl surged forward and captured his lips, biting at his lip to the point where blood was drawn. Merlin was as stiff as a board. He didn’t try to fight, not with the painful surges wracking his body as his magic was suppressed in the cruellest of fashion.

“Stop.” He managed to croak as the girl finally unlatched from his mouth.

“Oh Merlin, I’m only just getting started.” Her hands snaked down his chest which could barely contain Merlin’s pounding heart. His breathing was erratic making him lightheaded. Her hands stopped at his beltline as she fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Her pupils were so dilated you could barely see the deep green irises used to enchant her prey.

Merlin wriggled away but only succeeded in cornering himself more. Seemingly fed up with his lack of cooperation, the girl unlaced her dress and let it drop to the floor. She stepped out of the fabric, kicking it to one side as she pressed her now naked form against the warlock. Her lips found their way back to Merlin and she started to suck on his neck leaving a mark so large his neckerchief would likely not cover it.

“Stop it.” Merlin whimpered once more.

The girl simply laughed. What could be seen of her irises turned a deep gold and Merlin seized in fear. He felt the clothes disappear from his person replaced by freezing hands that tracked up and down his back. Scratches were carved into his ivory skin. Huge red marks that snaked from the base of his neck to the small of his back.

Then he was shoved onto the floor. The painfully cold stone slabs stung his skin adding to the shivers coursing through his body. He closed his eyes as the girl lowered herself onto his lap. Salty tears streamed down his face and in that moment any former strength left him completely.

All hope left him. He just lay there desperate for morning to come and for her to leave.


The next morning Merlin woke up in the pantry with an aching sensation all over. For some reason the servant had decided to redress Merlin once she had her way with him. He sat up carefully trying to calm his breathing as the events from the previous night flooded his memory. His breathing quickened and he felt as if he could still feel her fingers pressed against his chest. The scratches were hot and bruising, something his magic will heal in less than a day.

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