We fell in love in October

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I couldn't leave 'Coming of age' the way I did...so here is a part two.


Months passed and Sen would flit between Camelot and the forest. She was treated with the same amount of respect as Merlin was, being an extremely powerful creature of nature.

Eden's lessons were now taught by Sen which was a more enjoyable use of both their time. When they weren't practicing they could be found in the palace gardens or the tiny courtyard as a way to keep Sen connected with nature.

Around five months had passed since their first meeting when a devastating change struck the kingdom.

With the Samahain festival right around the corner no one really payed the young lovers any mind. Yet they still found themselves in the way of all the preparations. So they kept themselves tucked away in Eden's chambers during the day, then sneaking of to the forest to spend the night together.

It was during one of these camp-outs that Eden and Sen decided to test the limit of their powers, since both were young and new to their magic in many ways.

"I think we should relax and let out magic reign free. That way we can see how powerful it really is without restraints." Sen suggests.

"I love how you talk about magic as if it were alive."

"Well of course it is. Magic is a sentient being, they have always been here and will continue to dwell here long after we are gone. They are simply using our bodies as a way to channel their energy back into the earth."

Eden was too busy swooning to pay any real attention leading Sen to burst into a fit is giggles.

"Stop your drooling M'Lady and show me what you can do."

Eden closed her eyes and relaxed her mind. She could feel an overwhelming flow of magic through her veins. Light congregated in her irises, churning like a sea of molten gold. All of a sudden an intense burning sensation nipped at her fingertips, spreading like wildfire across her body until she felt as if she were suffocating. Eden opened her eyes to see strips of fire coiling around her limbs like ivy. But there were no burn marks, instead trails of what looked like black ink.

Sen was screaming at Eden, begging her to snap out of it but try as she might she could not. Her eyes darted around for anything that could relieve her pain, but it was becoming to much. It was a struggle to focus as her mind slipped into a dreamlike state. Losing her grip on reality, Eden tried the last thing that came to mind.

With a scream she let her power loose, throwing her arms out. Sen ducked to avoid the ring of fire that burst from within Eden. All wildlife was left untouched as if the explosion had never even happened.

Eden however was covered in black marks which were not fading anytime soon. She dropped to the floor crying in pain and Sen rushed to her side.

"Breathe Eden. You're okay, it's over." Sen cooed, trying not to show her pain as she stroked Eden's burning skin. It was as if she was stroking a raw flame.

"What was that?" Eden whimpered through sobs.

"I don't know. But I think we should take you home, your dad might know the cause."

Eden nodded and allowed Sen to lift her up. Knowing she would not be able to walk under Eden's weight, Sen sprouted her wings and flew them back to Camelot. Eden rested her head on Sen's shoulder and passed out, much to Sen's dismay.

As they reached the village guards swarmed the girls, Leon at their head.

"Sen what happened?"

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