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A lot of angst but when is there not. Get prepared for some shit to go down.


The soft beating of raindrops on the courtyard echoed through the night. The stillness of the castle made Arthur restless, he hates the silence. It's on nights like this he would have Merlin do a random chore just so he would have someone to talk to.

But of course today would be the day Merlin is out running an errand for Gaius. Gone for two days. Two! What was Arthur supposed to do in the mean time.

Despite the rain, Arthur felt compelled to walk around the grounds since sleep has escaped him. He wondered aimlessly around he grounds, reveling in the gentle thrum of the water against the stone flags. This was better than silence.

After an hour or so he found himself at the stables. No one would know if he took a horse. What's the worse that could happen?

"I will be back before dawn." Arthur whispered to himself as he prepares a horse and saddled up. On his way out the stables he picked up an old cloak left by a stable hand. He would need it in this weather.

By the light of the moon he rode through the forest surrounding Camelot. All was peaceful and Arthur finally allowed himself to relax. He came to a clearing, which he visited frequently with Merlin.

Enjoying the familiarity he dismounted, tied his horse to a tree and lay face up in the grass. By this time the rain had slowed to a gentle trickle. A mist of sorts.

Arthur stares up at the crescent moon with awe. Such beautiful things had ceased to exist in recent times. So bogged down by responsibility and duty he had failed to experience such beauty since he took the throne.

With that being said Arthur knew this serenity would not last long. Soon he would have to leave this haven and return to his kingdom, hiding his tiredness from prying eyes until the next opportunity for escape arrives.

The king followed the moon in the sky, watching it creep closer and closer to the tree line. However something caught his eye. A shadow.

Or at least that's what he thought.

In a panic he leapt up and unsheathed his sword, scouring the sky for any sight of the strange shadow. In a blur, it passed over the clearing and crashed into the trees just North to where Arthur was standing.

A strangled scream pierced the forest as the shadow crashed to earth.

Arthur didn't hesitate to run to aid however was screaming. Something eerily familiar dawned on him at the sound of the scream, but he pushed it back. He can't jump to conclusions.

Arthur ran through the underbrush towards the gaping hole in the thick canopy. He stopped short when he saw the cause.

Lying there, cradling his arm and in floods of tears was Merlin. The sweet, kind manservant of whom Arthur thought the world of was shaking with fear at the sight of him.

It took Arthur a second to realize why.

"Merlin? Wh- what is...what?" Arthur stuttered.

Merlin looked up, a petrified expression on his face. A pair of pitch black wings to match his ebony hair adorned his back, slumped on the floor like a cloak of feathers. The base of the wings were drenched in blood from several wounds on his back and arm.

The initial shock was replaced with worry as Arthur saw the extent of the injuries. The king edged closer to his servant, trying not to show the fear he was feeling inside.

Merlin One-Shots!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ