As the world caves in

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This fic is gonna be based of 'Defying Destiny', one of the first oneshots in the book. Its basically an extended version with an altered ending because I thought I could do more with the story. So enjoy some dark!merlin

Oh and this is an Arthur POV for extra heartbreak :)




What have I done? I should have just let them be. Merlin is supposed to be my best friend yet here I am chasing him and his sister through Camelot. I didn't mean to see it happen, Freya was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She used her magic in front of me. Not just me but the council as well. They were all calling for her execution. Merlin had dragged her through the castle in an attempt to put distance between the knights and Freya but they were gaining.

I can't stop them or I will be committing treason. But if I catch them Freya has to die.

They came to a stop in the courtyard upon realizing all exits had been blocked. Their conversation carried around the courtyard breaking the hearts of everyone who heard it.

"I have accepted my fate. Merlin leave me, you know I can't control my magic. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have."

"But they will kill you." Merlin cried, gripping his sister's hand.

"Sire do you want me to-"

"No Leon. Let me." I whisper cutting Leon off. He stepped back into line and I approach hesitantly.

Merlin was the first to hear the footsteps. He swiveled round, a protective arm out to shield Freya. I winced at his hateful glare, unable to move in fear of angering him further.

"Merlin hand her over, she is a danger to you and Camelot." My voice was careful, gentle even. But internally I was screaming at myself to retreat, to let the siblings leave to avoid the horrible fate that awaited them.

"She isn't a danger. None of this is her fault." Merlin yelled pushing Freya further behind him out of fear.

"You leave me no choice. I am sorry Merlin." With a flick of my hand the guards pounced.

I had to look away as Freya was torn from Merlin's arms and quickly pinned to the floor. Terrifying screams were drawn from her throat opening a pit in my stomach. I faltered unsure of how to proceed. I should stop this, after all she is but a child. Merlin is right, none of this is her fault. My thoughts were stopped short as Merlin lunged at me.

Taking me by surprise we topple to the floor. Despite his feeble build the boy was rather strong; managing to land a few sloppy punches before being dragged off and detained himself, on the opposite side of the street to Freya.

Onlookers gasped at this display of pure rage exhibited by a usually calm, cheerful boy. The anger in his eyes was like nothing I had ever seen, from anyone. Even Morgana didn't have this crazed borderline manic glint in her eyes.

A silent conversation between myself and Leon led to the two siblings being led down to the dungeons and placed in cells next to one another. Merlin pounded against the metal bars screaming for me to show myself, but I clung t the shadows. I can't possibly face him like this.

"Merlin stop. It's okay." Freya reached her hand through the bars to comfort her brother. The shackles that bound her to the wall jangled with every movement no doubt sending shocks of pain through her body.

The chains were of a unique making, they stop a sorcerer from using magic whilst wearing them. Merlin had begged me to invest in them due to the increase in magical attacks on the city. But they were meant for the likes of Morgana or Morgause, not a thirteen year old child who didn't have an evil bone in her body.

"I'm sorry." Merlin whispered, turning as much as the chains would allow. His crystal blue eyes met Freya's hazel ones; both glistened with tears and tainted red.

I stayed hidden in the shadows until dawn. I had managed to convice the court to lessen Merlin's sentace as after all his anger was understandable. But they would not budge on Freya's. I may be King and all but without the approval of the court I cannot change or even bend the law for no one.

The dull thud of boots echoed down the dimly lit corridor. The sound of death. The sound that brought them closer to their last moments together.

"Stay strong Merlin. I love you." Freya called out as she was dragged out of the cell by her hair.

I wanted to scream at the guards for treating her this way but my voice failed. My legs buckled when the girl made eye contact with me. There was no sorrow in her expression, just acceptance. If anything that made it worse.

Merlin ran to his own door, disregarding the pain that came with his movements.

"Freya!" Merlin screamed when she rounded the corner. The boy ran to his own door, disregarding the pain that came with his movements. Finding the courage to show myself I appear at the end of the corridor, staring at Merlin head on.

"Please Arthur don't do this."

I have never heard him so upset. I hate it. Words cannot describe the urge I have to unlock that bloody cell and hug him. Tell him everything was going to be okay. But how can I promise such a thing when Freya is being lead to her death. The act would be hypocritical and cruel.

The jeers of the crowd fill the dungeons making Merlin sob louder. His sobs push me over the edge and suddenly I am running out of the cells.

"I hate you Arthur Pendragon. You will regret this." His screams follow me to the main palace.

Gwaine and Leon are waiting for me at the entrance gesturing for me to follow. My heart pounds against my rib-cage the sound deafening to my ears. I feel light headed as I walk out onto the balcony.

Freya doesn't fight the guards who tie her to the pyre. She simply stares up at me emotionless, her eyes glassed open.

"Freya Ambrosius. It is with a heavy heart I find you guilty of magic. Under the laws of this kingdom, I have no choice but to sentence you to death." My voice cracks before I can finish my sentence. I give the signal for the pyre to be lit but cannot bare to watch as the flames engulf the girl.

Her bloodcurdling screams are ones that will never leave me as long as I live. The doors close behind me and the sound is muffled.


"Leave me."

"Sire if I may-"

"Leave me."

Gwaine and Leon exchange looks before silently exiting the room. When the door clicks shut I allow the tears to stream down my face. Freya was like a sister to me, more than Morgana ever was. This shouldn't be happening, how could I allow this to happen?

I barely have time to grieve before an explosion shook the foundations of the castle. Servants and knights alike are fleeing the courtyard taking refuge anywhere they can find. Plumes of dust and debris hang in the air around the entrance to the dungeons.


I sprint down the corridor practically flying down the stairs until I reach the large double doors. The scent of death is evident even here deterring me from touching the dark oak wood.

"Arthur Pendragon show yourself you coward."

His voice was layered with insanity. A tiny part of me wanted to run, to leave Merlin to the guards. I wouldn't put it past him to strike me down right now. But what good will that do? No, I have to face him and damn the consequences.

I hit the door so hard it almost cracks against the stone banister. Drawing Merlin's attention away from the crowd i finally see the monster I have created. His eyes are drowned in gold with the mark of the druids set into his forehead. Golden tendrils of pure magic circle him, making him comparable to that of a God.

"Took you long enough." Merlin raises his hand and chains materialize around my wrists. Speaking the tongue of the old religion, Merlin mutters a spell and I am suspended in the air.

"For what you have done to Freya, to my kin. You will pay handsomely."

"Name your price." The knights look at me as if I have gone insane; barganing with a sorcerer isn't exactly encouraged around here. But I don't see it like that. Merlin is hurting and whatever he needs I will give it to him.

"You are going to wish you never said that."

A crimson fog swept through the courtyard gathering around Merlin like a mini tornado. No spell was uttered making me wonder how he is managing all this.

"I know you Arthur. You are willing to do anything to protect your people. So what happens if I take them out of the picture." The fog was so thick Merlin could no longer be seen leaving only his voice.

"No Camelot, no king. No king, no purpose. And well, a man without a purpose might as well die." The fog exploded settling over the entirety of Camelot. Servants began to drop to the floor, coughing and spluttering for air.

"What are you doing?"

"I curse you Arthur Pendragon. Only the deserving will survive."

"Sire..." Elyan whimpered through chokes. I could only watch as he dropped to the floor motionless.

"What have you done?" I whisper feeling the chains wither away. I drop to the floor and charge at Merlin. "What have you done!"

"Until we meet again."

I grab hold of his sleeve but before I can do anything more he vanishes in a cloud of red and gold.


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