Starting over

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This is gonna be a sad but fluffy one
Thank you to Nerd662 for the prompt


Arrows fly left and right, smashing into trees or unfortunate bandits who happen to get in the way. Arthur fights ruthlessly, truthfully quite annoyed that his hunting trip had been cut short. His knights flanked him and they cut through the enemy swiftly. 

After about ten minutes of non stop fighting, the last bandit dropped to the floor. The knights used their swords to prop themselves up, absolutely exhausted. Merlin ducked out from his hiding spot, from which he created convenient gusts of wind that happened to pull weapons out of the enemy's hand or knock them clean of their feet.

Despite the new laws legalizing magic, Merlin often slipped back into his I-must-hide-my-magic-from-everyone- mindset, hence the hiding behind a tree for the entire battle. Arthur finds this extremely amusing and adorable.

"Have fun hiding Merlin?" Arthur drawled mockingly, but with a fond smile. Merlin rolled his eyes and slapped the upside of his head gently.

"Prat." Arthur was about to insult him back when out of nowhere a mace flew through the air and hit Merlin in between his shoulder blades. With a sickening crack Merlin crumpled to the floor, revealing a bandit poking out from behind a tree.

Gwaine ran the bandit through out of pure rage, whilst the others tired desperately to wake their friend. But it was no good. He was out cold.


In the week Merlin was asleep Arthur never once left his side. It got to the point where the king would refuse food and water, barely sleeping more than half an hour. Gaius had to enchant him in order to feed him, even then his grief was so powerful the spell would wear off after an hour or so.

It was heart breaking to see both males in their respective state. Merlin looked peaceful, too peaceful. Occasional whimpers gave Arthur hope, but never once did he stir from his sleep. 

"Arthur please, you need to rest." Gaius whispered carefully, resting his wrinkled hand on his king's shoulder.

"How can I rest Gaius when Merlin is like this. I never even-" Arthur trailed of unable to say the words that have plagued his mind for months. He had confided in Gaius early on, knowing he could trust the older man whom had basically raised him during his father's absence.

"I know Arthur. But you are killing yourself, you can't live like this." Arthur nodded, shaking the tears from his eye. He must keep up appearances, what will the kingdom think of a King who falls apart over a servant. They will think him weak.

Of course this was all in the King's head, but try telling the stubborn man that. When something buries deep in your mind its almost impossible to shake it.

"Please rest sire. If anything happens I will send for you immediately." Gaius helped Arthur up and lead him to the door. Arthur forced a smile and headed to his chambers to retire. On his way he received many a sympathetic look from the servants who were missing Merlin's infectious happiness. 

Upon reaching his chambers, he slammed his door shut and threw himself on his bed. Salty tears soaked the pillow instantly. All his grief, anger and helplessness was released in the form of a heart wrenching yell that echoed through the castle. Only one braved the potential aggression to check on their king: a certain long haired, incredibly loyal Knight.

"Arthur look at me." Gwaine said from the doorway. Arthur refused, burying his head further into the pillow. Gwaine sighed and closed the door once more. He made his way across the room, grabbing a chair on his way and sat at Arthur's bedside.

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