Only you

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Chat Room au

Sunday 22:30

Merlin: Arthur

Merlin: Arthur

Merlin: please answer me

Merlin: ignoring me isn't going to fix this

Merlin: Arthur please!

Arthur muted the chat

Merlin: fine. Be like that. Just know that I'm sorry, I didn't want to keep this from you but I was scared. Scared of what you would do when you found out. I mean it's not exactly normal is it? Having magic. It's weird and I hate it.

Arthur: you think I am mad that you kept this a secret? No I'm mad because you told everyone but me. I am supposed to be your best friend, I would trust you with my life. But apparently you don't feel the same.

Arthur left the chat

Merlin added Arthur

Arthur: leave me alone Merlin

Merlin: no

Merlin: I trust you Arthur. I trust you with my life. That's why I didn't tell you. I was terrified I would lose my best friend since forever. I already lost most of my friends. I didn't want that to happen to us

Arthur: who?

Merlin: what?

Arthur: who did you lose

Merlin: everyone except Gwaine and Lance.

Merlin: Everyone else called me a freak of nature. Elyan tried to beat me up but I used my magic on him. Big mistake it would seem.

Merlin: now do you get why I kept it from you?

Merlin: Arthur?

Merlin: fine be like that

Merlin: Arthur!

Monday 15:42

Arthur: ....well I don't think I will be at school for a while

Merlin: and why is that?

Arthur: I kinda beat up the people who called you a freak

Arthur: I got suspended

Arthur: but it was worth it

Merlin: you did that for me? Why?

Incoming call from Arthur

Merlin hesitantly pressed the green button and raised his phone to his ear.

"Why?" He questioned. Arthur didn't answer for a couple of seconds, focusing on trying to breathe.

"Because you mean the world to me and knowing that people I called my friends threatened to beat you up for something you have no control over makes me unbelievably angry. No one threatens the people I love and gets away with it. A couple days suspension is worth it."

Merlin's hand trembled so much he almost dropped his phone.

"L-love?" He whispered.

Arthur cursed under his breath, also starting to shake with anxiety. "Did I say that?"

"Yes you did prat." Merlin said with a small laugh covering his utter disbelief.

"Damn this is not how I wanted-"

"I'm coming over." Merlin announced, pressing hang up and throwing on a hoodie.

Arthur stared at his phone in shock not really able to comprehend what just happened. Needless to say he jumped out of his skin when merlin appeared in front of him not a second later.

"What the HELL!" Arthur yelled, falling off his bed and crumpling on the floor. Merlin burst out in fits of giggles and yanked the blonde up.

"Yeah I can teleport. Not the weirdest thing I can do." Merlin said with a small smile.

"That's bloody amazing!"

"You think?"

"Yeah! Merlin you can teleport, that's like something straight out of Marvel or some shit. How do they not see how amazing you are."

"I guess they aren't as kind as you." Merlin said, a pink hue painting his cheeks.

"I guess not." Arthur smirked the compliment fueling his already enormous ego. Merlin slapped his arm gently, chuckling at the blonde's pout.

"So..." Arthur had no idea what he was going to say. He was just desperate to break the silence that had descended upon the room.

"So..." Merlin whispered back, trying to get the boy to look at him.

Arthur's eyes flickered to everything except the warlock, not really wanting to address his slip of the tongue earlier.

Merlin sighed and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Arthur sat leaving a considerable distance between them. The warlock rolled his eyes and shuffled closer, taking his hand in the process.

"I like you too." He whispered, making Arthur's head snap up. A beaming smile broke out on his tanned face, making the corners of his eyes crinkle with joy.



"What're you going to do about it." Arthur mumbled, slipping into his dominant demeanor.

"This." Merlin propelled forward, slamming their lips together. They moved as one humming in pleasure. All their pent up feelings over the years came rushing out at once. When they parted they were panting, blushing messes.

"That was..."

"Yeah it was..."

"I love you Merlin."

"Love you to prat."

I am sorry for the lack of updates. I have something in the works which is very different to what k usually do. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this, I kinda like how it turned out idk

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